Peeling roll from overcoat - a relatively new product in our market, but it has already managed to win the hearts of many people firmly girls. And no wonder - the effect of it can be seen immediately, but the skin does not hurt he did, because it does not contain abrasive particles. Use can be almost every day (depending on the type and requirements of the skin).
Peeling - gel texture is applied to dry face with dry hands. Then you need to massage the skin around 10-15 seconds, so that it rolled into small pellets, which remove dead cells and renew the skin. Then simply rinse with warm water.
I have quite a long time I use cleansing peeling gels from Cefine - the classic version and refreshing, for oily skin, which came to us recently.
Cefine Beauty-Pro Herb Clear Gel Pure
This unique cosmetic product provides effective cleansing and gentle care. Purifying Peeling Gel Beauty-Pro Herb Clear Gel Pure does not contain abrasive particles - exfoliation of dead cells is due to the softening action of a complex therapeutic plant extracts, which eliminates the risk of injury, even the most sensitive skin.

This is a classic peeling roll from overcoat. I use it almost every day, because the skin is not damaged. Moreover, it is very delicate - absolutely does not dry the skin after application there is no feeling of tightness of the skin.
As part of a lot of natural ingredients: polyglutamic acid, an extract of Chinese tea, vitamin C, vitamin E, an extract of root kudzu (al. Name - kudzu, translated from Japanese means "keeping the youth"), an extract of Scutellaria, extracts of fetal pumpkin extract, burdock .
The effect of peeling is visible at once - the skin becomes smoother, complexion - more uniform. Beauty-Pro Herb Clear Gel cleans very well and pores. Moreover, the effect is cumulative - the longer you use, the better and more noticeable effect.
The gel has a subtle scent of lavender.
Cefine Beauty-Pro Herb Clear Gel Fresh
This roll from overcoat appeared in our recently - this summer. This is a refreshing version of the classic bedroll, which has anti-inflammatory effect and is especially good for oily skin.

The effect of it is the same as the previous one, but with a pronounced anti-inflammatory action. It is very well dries pimples and prevents new ones.
This roll from overcoat has a fresh grassy aroma and a little cooling effect.
Peeling bedroll completely replaced the usual scrubs from my articles, because the effect of skatok even better to use frequently and without harm to the skin.