Splashlights (Spleshlayts) can be translated to English as "burst of light," and this technique looks like glare light on the hair. It is this effect in the painting is at the forefront of popularity very soon. Learn more about the new trend.
Most likely, this effect first turned accidentally. It would be possible when painting in the style of Ombre (gradient) grows with time. This gradient is not done clarification from the bottom, and with clarification of the roots and the root of the hair.
Many stylists call the resulting glare of head circumference angelic halo. In fact, very similar to what a halo cast its glow on his head. This painting really distinguishes its possessor, it is as if the light is at the center of a circle or at the center of the light beam.
How the pros do it
Of course, colorists have learned to make a painting without using the technique to grow Ombre. First stylist bleach causes horizontal scroll on all hair. Moreover, starting from the lower layers of the hair, and then proceeds to the top. Then, use a shade slightly lighter natural hair of the customer. This composition is the color transition - it is applied above and below the whitewashed strip.
Staining is quite striking and characteristic, so it is clear that his first mastered the wildest girls: soloist music groups or youth stars. One of these was a singer and songwriter from Brooklyn
Caroline Polachek
. The singer told Glamour magazine last month, the whole process of dyeing took almost 9 hours!

She worked with the singer colorist
Aura Friedman
from Israel. Now she is credited with authorship of the technology spleshlayts. Friedman often works with celebrities, and believes that each person requires its own technique of hair coloring. And for the singer from Brooklyn Friedman decided to effect "as if the laser beam falls on her hair."

But the main task of any coloring, says Friedman, is to preserve the natural. That is why working with Polacek took 9 hours. Stylist realized that glare of light should be as natural. A more natural hair look, if the roots are a bit darker, and at the end - lighter. And stylists had to do not only glare strip on the hair, but also a little to lighten the ends.

The new trend
The fact that this trend can be no doubt, because it offered itself Aura Friedman. It was she who suggested that in due time for the shows in New York Week staining Ombre, which was subsequently taken over almost all the stylists and colorists. Incidentally, Friedman belong to the avant-garde ideas and pastel coloring, rainbow coloring, and many others. She has worked with such stars as Lady Gaga and Jennifer Lawrence. These girls love innovative ideas in its image.

Beauty editors gloss will also spleshlayts, and called it "the new Ombre". And, as I remember, staining Ombre really made a small revolution, and even forced manufacturers to create special dyes for dyeing household gradient (for example, new available - paint Ombre by L'Oreal).

Kolorbloking or spleshlayts?
As soon as the singer Caroline Polachek came with the new painting, some publications have called trend kolrblokingom (color blocking). However, it was mistaken. Kolorbloking - separate trend. Its main difference - the lack of gradient, or a smooth transition of color. This painting in vogue in 2013, and will be important in 2014 as spleshlayts. For its application require the foil so that the colors looked large blocks. During staining should strictly ensure that colors are not mixed and the boundary between the colors remain clearly visible.

Kolorbloking - less natural coloring, in the sense that it looks less natural than spleshlayts. Kolorbloking can be carried out with natural colors, and not quite usual for hair: green, orange, pastel colors. Spleshlayts, by contrast, has the task of making the natural light highlight: a cool shade (imitation of luminescent or laser beam) or warm (like a ray of sunshine).

Finally, the board of Aura Friedman, author spleshlayts staining. If you select a painting, try to stick with neutral makeup. To enhance the effect of the flash light is good to emphasize the relief of persons: to define the cheekbones, apply highlighter to the exposed points (cheekbones, forehead, brow). This will give the image of harmony and professionalism.