For the long winter recruited a few extra kilos (where only?), Hair and nails become brittle and faded (well, do not fall!), Appear on the face wrinkles, the complexion is poor (I do it?). What to do? Urgently give myself up!
Anticipating cries about the lack of financial resources and time to visit the beauty salon, I explain: it is enough to carry out a minimum program right at home, which did not take long and does not require significant investments.
The goal: a perfect body
Our skin beneath clothing loses its flexibility and softness. And we ourselves, spilled over the winter, began to move less.
Step 1. Elegant body.
To restore skin elasticity, recommends hydrotherapy massage, which beneficially affect the tone of the skin, contribute to release accumulated toxins in it. You need a shower. The most common souls.
Open the valve at full capacity, send short, hard-hitting streams on thighs, hips, buttocks, that is, the places where fat can accumulate. Move the flow of water from the bottom up in the direction of the groin to the armpits.
Time procedure: 5 minutes daily.
Step 2. velvety skin.
The procedure helps to moisturize the skin, "smoothing" of cellulite dimples, making the skin more elastic. In the bathroom, open the hot water tap Let filled with steam. At this time, prepare a solution of "Joy to the body," according to the following recipe: a handful at any bath salts drip 5-7 drops of essential oil of lemon, orange or grapefruit, dilute it all in a glass of warm milk. Half full water bath not exceeding 38 degrees, pouring it flavored solution. While the water is taken, the body let him enjoy the aroma of essential oils. Then dive into the water for 15 minutes and under water massage problematic areas with light circular movements.
Time of treatment: 30 minutes once a week. Perhaps you so much that you'll find in your busy schedule additional time (predict that it would happen).

The goal: a luminous face
Step 1. Mikropodtyazhka.
Do not worry, please serious word! In fact, everything is very simple! For lifting the mask need to mix 1 teaspoon of honey with 1 teaspoon glycerin (available at pharmacies), add to the mix 3 teaspoons of oatmeal (pre-crushed oatmeal in a blender). Stirring constantly, enter the water until the consistency of thick cream. Apply on face for 15 minutes. Rinse with cool water (if you can find a few extra minutes, prepare a camomile tea to wash the mask).
Time of treatment: 15 minutes every 6 days.
Step 2. A healthy complexion.
Brew 1 tablespoon of dried chamomile or sage in a glass of boiling water, let it brew, cool. Stir in 2 tablespoons of the infusion powder blue clay (found in pharmacies). Soak in this solution folded into three layers of gauze and apply on face for 3 minutes, repeat 3-4 times.
Time of treatment: 15 minutes 1 time per week.
Author: Tanistaia
Source: Povarёnok.ru