10 tips to change your life and health
 Many medical advice we know by heart. For example, such advice as using sunscreen and eating more fruits and vegetables, for many obvious. But we learned a few more rules and tips to improve on your health, and, therefore, life in general!

1. Our need for sleep, even higher than the power!   Our body can function without food for a week. But after only a few days without sleep, we can not live. And it is impossible to resist. Many can testify that uncontrollably fall asleep at work or in class. And cases when you can fall asleep at the wheel, very scary. Therefore, keep in mind that an adequate and regular sleep - it is an important question! Even more important than food. People who have enough sleep, have a very low immunity, earlier age and more sick.

 10 tips to change your life and health

2. Natural and natural - does not mean harmless!   Make no mistake: herbs and flowers are not all created equal. Some natural ingredients in food and homemade cosmetics can cause very bad changes in the health, or at least an allergic reaction. A large number of herbs contain poisons and toxins. Therefore, never resorted to the use of unknown natural ingredients, study the composition and effects, consult with experts.

 10 tips to change your life and health

3. Regularly check your pulse.   Surprised? In fact, the pulse - this is a great indicator of the state of your health. As a rule, any changes in the pulse of evidence of any diseases. So, try to check your pulse frequently, even several times a day. It is necessary to make sure, after intensive training or employment, as well as just any free minute: waiting for friends in a cafe while in traffic, sitting at work.

4. Do not take a cell in the toilet . Surprisingly, polls show that most of us take a mobile phone in the toilet to send SMSes to communicate with friends, just listen to your favorite music or watch photos. Like okay, but! You have not forgotten about the germs that you can bring with your mobile to your face, hands, they then get into the eyes, mouth and body ... especially careful not to get a mobile in public toilets.

 10 tips to change your life and health

5. How often can communicate with your friends . There is research that shows that those who are in closer contact with their friends, 25% happier. And even here it does not matter: it is a real or virtual contact. Just write emails, talk on the phone. And happy people are, of course, the health of those who feel miserable.

 10 tips to change your life and health

6. Have your own space . Do not forget for communication, work and family to give a little time and only for themselves. Take time out to be alone with ourselves. Experts say that those who know how to listen to yourself feel better emotionally and much younger, because thanks to these meditations about themselves retained a clear mind and strong logical ability.

 10 tips to change your life and health

7. Remain calm . Do not laugh, but peace of mind - it's a great way to prevent dementia. Master the simple techniques that quickly calm down if've nervous. Find a quiet place where you can sit down and close your eyes. Imagine serene landscapes, his favorite place on the planet, to better represent the water, streams and the sea. At least a few minutes in this state - and you're full of energy and do not feel nervous. If you measure the pressure before and after this manipulation, you will see that meditation is really "works"!

8. Be sure to pay attention to any changes in health.   The fact that women often can not tolerate the pain, thereby missing a very important symptoms. Sore jaw, teeth ache, indigestion, fatigue? These are the signs of "silent heart attack." So - do not be lenient to their health, and it is better to have a home devices for measuring cholesterol and blood pressure, while most of the trouble you can avoid.

 10 tips to change your life and health

9. Clean the body.   The idea of ​​detoxification - excellent. And all you need to do - it is constantly eating foods that contain fiber. Do not start problems with the intestines! This may lead to cancer. A recent study found that people who consume a lot of fiber, do not suffer from bowel cancer. Conversely, those who do not eat fibrous foods, suffer from bowel cancer much more often.

10. Watch your memory.   In fact, there is nothing good that you have a "maiden memory" and is not to blame for age. Having a good memory indicates the good condition of the brain and health. So - Train your memory, do not think that with age, it is possible for the relief.
Author: Olga Larsen