May 31 No Tobacco Day
 "... To Moscow and gorodeh Tobacco uchinёn strong under the order of the death penalty, anywhere to the Russian people and foreigners at vsjakija tobacco did not keep and do not drink and tobacco are not sold."
(Conciliar The Code)

In 1988, the World Health Organization declared May 31 World No Tobacco day. The international community has decided to make every effort to eradicate smoking.

Unfortunately, in our country, smoking has become an epidemic. Smoking men, women, teenagers and the elderly. And so sad to look at the lovely young girl or a young beautiful woman and think that she will grow old prematurely and can not live up to that time when she had her grandchildren.

The fact that smoking kills, proved long ago, but since it does not kill immediately, and extends the penalty in time, many waving his hand and dragged another cigarette, ignoring the fact that every day destroy your health and beauty.

In earlier times, many rulers have tried to preserve the health of the nation, resorting to the most stringent measures. So a decree banning smoking published in Turkey Sultan Ahmed I (1603-1617). In 1637, the decree was repeated Murad IV. Unfortunately, in the middle of XVII century, tobacco and Turkey triumphed over reason.

Christian rulers and church leaders also tried to protect their people from the machinations of the tobacco. Thus, Pope Urban VIII in 1624 threatened to excommunicate tobacco lovers from the church. But, alas, in Spain the tobacco was the winner, in the XVII century in the most Catholic country in Europe had the first tobacco company - Tabacalera.

The Russian tobacco brought English merchants and sailors in the times of Ivan the Terrible, but in 1634 trade and storage of tobacco was punishing any "reduction of the nose" or the death penalty.

Now, no one is not a penalty for smoking. Rather, executed smokers themselves - smoking kills every year nearly 200 thousand lives of Russians. But those who smoke, kill not only themselves but also their families, including their children, because passive smoking is less harmful.

 May 31 No Tobacco Day
   Smoking woman soon loses its beauty, is already one of its yellowish or grayish skin can guess addiction. And her flabby with age is not possible to hide any makeup.

The hair becomes dull and brittle, and what hairstyle do not, strive matted in the "crow's nest". And some noticeable thinning and bald spots outlined by the type of male bald patches.

In short, little joy, and many women think and understand that you need to get rid of undermining the health and beauty voruyuschey habits. This is not always easy, but if you wish, is always possible. First of all, in order to quit smoking, you need to understand the harm habits and make a decision.

There are many tips on how to quit smoking.   Some of them:

- On the 1st day, for example, in June after each smoked cigarette hung on the wall or put on the table in front of the eyes of the red card.

- Do not hold a cigarette in sight, clean them away.

- Go to the brand of cigarettes that do not like.

- Do not smoke before breakfast, in bed, on the street. If you have a car, then the car is also no smoking.

- If the day smoked fewer cigarettes than usual, to appoint a special prize, for example, eat cake, chocolate bar, buy something you dream about.

- After each smoked cigarette ashtray washed thoroughly.

- After each puff to make a big break.

- Over the next cigarette smoke only half.

- When you want to smoke, sucking lozenges to chew sunflower seeds, peanuts, eat an apple, chew gum.

Besides that, There are herbs that promote stop smoking .

- It is, for example, peppermint tea, which is drunk during the day.

- Collection
2 tbsp. tablespoons chopped valerian root mixed with 1 tbsp. spoon of peppermint leaves and 1 tbsp. Watch is a triple with a spoon, mix well. Take 2st. Spoon the mixture and pour into a thermos 2 cups boiling water. Insist 2 hours, strain, take ½ cup 3-4 times a day for half an hour before meals. This infusion also calms the nerves and heart.

- Collection
Take 3 tbsp. tablespoons marshmallow root, 3 tbsp. spoon mother and stepmother and 2 tbsp. tablespoons marjoram, chop, mix. 2 tbsp. tablespoons collection brew in a thermos 2 cups boiling water, leave for half an hour, drain, take ½ cup 3 times a day before meals.

- Extreme ways
Buy cancer, remove the shell, wash, dry, pound to a powder, mixed with tobacco and smoke. After this procedure ceases to smoke the most inveterate smoker.
Author: Natalia Alexeeva