First worry about wrinkles is not necessary - we must act. Science offers powerful anti-aging ingredients that prevent smooth and "crow's feet". There are 3 main components that should be sought in creams and serums.
Ingredient number 1: Retinol
This substance - one form of vitamin A, is a family of chemical elements collectively as "retinoids". Among other retinoids can be identified retinoic acid, retinyl palmitate, retinaldehyde, and each of them can exist in the composition of cosmetic products. If retinoic acid - a frequent ingredient in anti-acne products, reninol is famous primarily for its anti-aging properties.
Retinol stimulates the production of collagen in the skin, as well as cope with hyperpigmentation. Research activities on retinol wrinkles have been held for nearly a quarter century, and they podstverzhdayut that this ingredient can truly be called "number one" in the number of anti-aging. Retinol helps skin cells quickly update, keeping pores clean, prevents skin dryness and dullness.
The results of the action of retinol are visible after a week of use - epidermal skin becomes softer and smoother. Brown spots begin to fade after 4-6 weeks of retinol, and wrinkles begin to decline by 8-12 week, thanks to the production of new collagen in the skin.

How to apply.
Look for retinol in the night means - serum and cream. If you are using a product with retinol day, such a product must have a high index of SPF (at least 30) as retinol increases the skin's sensitivity to sunlight. The presence of a combination of retinol and antioxidants - an added bonus in the fight against aging.
Ingredient number 2: Vitamin C
Vitamin C is probably the most versatile ingredient for the skin, it makes everything a little: increases the production of collagen, making skin brighter tones and nourishes. There are also studies showing that vitamin C is able to smooth the skin and make it softer.
Besides all of the above, it is worth remembering that vitamin C - a powerful antioxidant that reverses the effects of free radicals and UV light. It is proved that the presence of vitamin C improves the care effect of sunscreen: the protection will be longer and better. Therefore, vitamin C can be attributed to a very good anti-aging ingredients that are struggling even with wrinkles as "crow's feet".

How to apply.
Vitamin C is found in day and night for the skin, as well as sun creams and sprays. The presence of vitamin C on thin guessed citrus aroma, which, incidentally, also tones and invigorates the skin.
Ingredient number three: ANA
This is familiar to many alpha-hydroxy acid (AHA, Alpha Hydroxy Acids). It is believed that their action is the most profound of all the anti-aging ingredients, it extends down to the molecular level.
The most important quality of an alpha-hydroxy acids - powerful exfoliation, this substance breaks the connection between the surface layer of dead cells and a layer of fresh skin underneath. The dead skin accumulate, making deep wrinkles, age spots - dark, and the skin ceases to reflect the light, because of which it loses its brightness.
Among the most popular and effective anti-wrinkle acids can be called lactic and glycolic.

How to apply.
For preventive purposes and first wrinkles suitable AHA concentration of 10%, but a need for treatment vyskoie indicators. It should also be aware that the alpha-hydroxy acid can dry and irritate the skin, so the funds should also be moisturizing and healing ingredients, for example, aloe vera oil. Since this peeling component, it can be found not only in creams and scrubs and detergents.
"Crow's feet" - leaving every day
These rules are important for all care, whether it's your first wrinkles or "crow's feet" - a fait accompli.
1. Start with the serum.
Buy a serum from one of the ingredients listed above. Serum - a product having a higher concentration of active substances. Apply the serum on the lines every day, under the sunscreen. If the skin is very sensitive, you must first apply a moisturizing cream, and then the serum.
2. Please fill in wrinkles.
Optional resort to injections. There are modern alternatives in the form of creams Wrinkle Filler Creams or Instant Fillers, which give a temporary effect, but do not require radically intervene in the skin. To achieve good results should be used fillers creams once a day. In Examples include L'Oreal Collagen Moisture Filler Day / Night Cream and La Prairie Cellular Treatment Gold Illusion Line Filler.

3. Use the correct tonal basis.
Cream product accumulates in the fine lines and wrinkles, making them more visible. You need a lightweight liquid formula. Apply with a brush or dots, distribute brush, avoiding long strokes.