Ex-member group Spice Girls Emma Bunton - one of the hottest moms of today, do not get tired to please the eyes and ears of fans. The singer has already turned 38, but she still can safely call myself beautiful and sexy, hitting all the radiant smile. What is the secret charming "peppercorn"?
• Emma has a good figure due to regular run, which is known to be very invigorating. Three times a week she diligently engaged on a treadmill, getting, as a result, not only a toned body, but in a good mood.
It also recognizes that no longer wanted to lose weight. "Peppercorn" does not want to go hungry while dieting because she loves her body and feels comfortable in it, even with a couple of extra kilos. "I find it hard to diet, because my husband Jade - the chef and he cooks fantastic food! I love good food, and sometimes to maintain its balanced nutrition it is very difficult ", - complains Bunton.
• It never do plastic surgery and they just afraid, afraid that something goes awry. "I believe that Botox - an individual thing. To each his own. But I do not think I could do like. Lord, a syringe to drive himself in the face! And I would not stand it, if everything looked steadily at me, go all wrong. However, never say 'never', "- says the singer. And we support it and we ask ward off any doubts, because it looks great, and without surgery!
• Bunton - happy mother, who dreams about another child. Both she and her beloved family want to fill up again. And the singer was lucky to be one of those women that motherhood is very beautiful Emma and happiness in the world. And what could be more beautiful than really happy woman?

• Emma is not afraid to experiment and ready to admit that sometimes it is not so successful. She recalls with a smile lamentable result of one of his experiments: "My worst experience in the field of beauty - perm. I was about 14 or 15 years, it was just awful. I remember sitting in the bath, applying everything they could find on their own hair, trying to straighten out. No, it did not work. "
So Bunton advises first trust in the hands of professionals, before the very first time to grasp at curling irons and straighteners, which can damage the hair in the hands of inept.
• Emma almost did not use the cream for the face, until she was 30. She is clearly boasts good genes! "Now I spend money to buy creams, because it is not used them before, but age has an effect," - says Bunton. She believes that before the time it is not necessary to begin to rejuvenate the skin.
• The singer admits that favorite indulgence itself - it's like at the spa. She likes to sometimes feel spoiled and go somewhere where professionals take care of it. At home for their own recreation Emma loves to take a bath, "It helps me to relax completely."
• Emma is not afraid to be an ordinary man, "I am growing, moving forward and progressing, but still buy cheap clothes shops and did not feel in the star. I hope I have remained the same. "
• Bunton like when it's simple. In the morning, she always washes and cleanses the skin, in the evening enjoy wipes to remove makeup. She just recently started using restorative night cream for the skin around the eyes before going to bed.

And finally: Emma advises to always smile and be in a good mood, no matter what! Perhaps this is the secret of attraction and the star itself.