It is certainly not about the bright sprockets that are so mysterious to us with a wink the night sky. Though astrologers and argue that without the will of the stars and the hair of the head will not fall, but I feel about astrology, and to the esoteric, which considers the hair kind of antenna that connects man with the cosmos, rather skeptical and exaggerate the influence of the planets on the condition of our skin and hair, is not inclined. Maybe to some extent we are affected by the moving stars in the sky, but still to a greater extent, particularly in the case of hair, everything depends on us.
Hair - one of the main decorations of women, and, of course, everyone wants to be healthy and look beautiful, so with such hope, we tend to listen to the recommendations of not only specialists in the field, but also to the advice of those whose beauty and attractiveness shag cause delight and light envy. Stars of the podium, show business, cinema usually make no secret of their methods of hair care, so why not take advantage of their advice.
Of course, it would be naive to believe that all the glamor and glitter of ringlets depends on household masks and lotions. It stars and the entire arsenal of the best professional hair cosmetics and personal care hairdressers and stylists, but nevertheless, many of their recipes and tips are quite good and worth to replenish our arsenal of home remedies for hair care. So ...
"Star" recipe
Sophisticated beautiful blonde
Michelle Pfeiffer
, She said, the following mask recipe for hair care.

Prepare 2 egg yolks, a quarter cup of honey, 25 grams of rum. To rinse 25 grams of apple cider vinegar, dissolve in a glass of water.
First, honey is heated (to become liquid and fluid), then it is slightly cooled and applied to the hair roots. Whipped egg yolks and rum, and the resulting mousse is applied to the hair over their entire length. After that you should put on a shower cap, shook his head with a towel and keep the mask for twenty minutes. After this time, wash off the mask with warm water. You can use a mild shampoo. At the end of the procedure rinse hair with a solution of apple cider vinegar.
Sultry Brunette
Penelope Cruz
She confesses that she loves to pamper your hair original recreational drug.

It consists of: coffee (natural ground), mango, maple syrup, cinnamon and quail eggs. The mask of creamed mixture thoroughly actress recommends keeping the hair for an hour and then wash without shampoo.
Melanie Griffith
Like many women, she likes to use hair care oil.

Preference star gives almond and uses it in conjunction with an olive. Hair carefully treated with a mixture of these oils from the mid-lengths to the ends. This mask is necessary to hold about 40 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with water, using a shampoo.
Sophia Loren
also not without olive oil.

Loren herself, answering the question, what is the secret of her beauty and youth, said: - "I am obliged to the beauty of his love of life, spaghetti, and baths with olive oil"
. The same oil in hot form, it causes on the roots of the hair for a couple of hours before shampooing
. Olive oil, not only that it contains a lot of nutrients, it is also very easily absorbed by the hair follicles and nourishes the hair from the inside
. As a result, shiny, well-groomed hair ... is not already in young age, and this despite the many experiments with hairstyles and hair color for her entire artistic career
. The secrets of her beauty Sophia Loren adds a healthy lifestyle - good night's sleep at least 9 hours, compulsory exercises and a walk in the morning, and a sufficient amount of mineral water (up to 2 liters per day)
. Is of great importance and the menu, Sophie believes that daily yogurt with a spoon brewer's yeast, provides elasticity of the skin and helps maintain healthy hair a natural shine
He loves olive oil as a healthy, as a means of hair and another Italian beauty -
Monica Bellucci

Pravda writes that lately, she increasingly gives preference to palm oil as, like, stimulates hair growth. And it restores curls using magnolia oil, which not only treats the hair, but also gives them the divine fragrance of this wonderful flower.
Famous actress
Catherine Zeta-Jones
as hair masks using honey, diluted with light beer.

According to celebrity, this mask makes hair strong and silky, and allows you to deal with posechennymi tips. The operating principle is simple: the honey-beer mask gently rub into the scalp and hair roots to keep the hair for 30-40 minutes, then wash hair with shampoo.
Julia Roberts
prefers masks of ... mayonnaise.

And really, mayonnaise (natural) is a very useful product - because it is made from egg yolks, oil, mustard powder. All these ingredients, together and separately, a very positive effect on the condition of the hair. Keep the mask of mayonnaise on the hair to be twenty or thirty minutes, during this time, and the scalp and hair follicles have time to soak up (as possible) all the necessary nutrients.
Molly Sims
American top model and actress, your favorite conditioned calls avocado.

She kneads in a bowl ripe avocados, and then apply it to dry hair. Molly holds a mask for twenty minutes and then thoroughly washed your hair with shampoo.
Melissa Joan Hart
, Admits that loves the smell of lavender.

Every day it is applied to the hair lavender oil, focusing on the tips. Melissa believes that this simple procedure makes the hair healthy, obedient and sweet. And she was right - this is a natural product actually improves the condition of hair, giving them shine and strength, stimulates their growth, reduce breakage and loss. Furthermore, lavender oil effectively treat dandruff. To improve hair growth, warmed lavender oil massage movements rub into the scalp for 20 minutes before washing.
Top Model
Linda Evangelista
Undoubtedly one of the brightest stars of the catwalk.

What to save the hair from the effects of frequent repainting, Linda each week to make them therapeutic mud masks. Such mud is a universal remedy, saturating the skin of the head with minerals that abound in the Dead Sea. Natural mud promote healthier hair and scalp. Apply a mask of mud on the washed hair along the entire length, and wash off after 10-15 minutes.
Scarlett Johansson
- American actress and singer pays great attention to the state of your hair and carefully caring for them, especially with regard to the procedure for staining. Therefore, prior to coloring hair stylist Scarlett does argan oil (from the fruit of the argan tree) in the strands of her hair and scalp, and then add a few drops of the mixture to soften the aggressive effect paint.

Of course, argan oil is very valuable and expensive. It is believed that this natural product penetrates deep into the skin and affects not only the level of the epidermis and dermis, feeding the scalp and hair follicles. Argan oil gives hair strength, softness and elasticity, prevents hair loss and restores brittle or damaged tips, removes dry skin on the head.
By the way, the most harmless painting - perhaps the most important trend in hair care at the stars. And more emphasis on the choice of detergent hair. That is why,
Monica Bellucci
chooses shampoo for dehydrated and fragile hair
Shampooing Reviviscence (Leonor Greyl)
and moisturizing conditioner with argan oil and flax seed for fine hair
Olioseta (Oro del Marocco)
, Resilient
Sophia Loren
It uses exclusively
baby shampoo
Considering its use is a major factor in maintaining the beauty of hair, and
Angelina Jolie
, Tinting the hair by means
(one of the most innocuous today dyes).
But unlike home remedies for healing and hair care products, which are more or less universal, ready-made cosmetics designed strictly on a certain type of hair and is intended to solve certain problems. So, buying something or other means (especially from professional line of care) to better focus still their hair and expert advice than on the preferences of the stars, even a very beautiful and loved.