Beer party canceled. More relevant Ice-T, and fresh orange juice. Even when meeting with friends. However, to buy a bottle of beer is. To enjoy the benefits that it gives skin and hair.

What's inside.
You probably have heard repeatedly list these ingredients from experts on hair: protein, vitamins, biotin, phosphorus, magnesium. These are all contained in the beer.
What the outside.
Actually, it means that beer makes the hair healthy, strong, elastic and shiny. Beer recipes work against split ends, facilitates combing and styling, helping to remove the remnants of hair extensions, and even heal from loss.
How to apply.
Recipes with beer for hair very much. Try the simplest:
• Mix the beer with lemon juice and honey. It would just be a mask softens the hair.
• Add to the beer a little vegetable oil and massage your scalp. Then leave the mixture on the hair for half an hour and wash off with shampoo. Do this procedure once a week. You will no longer worry about dryness of the scalp, itching and split ends.
• Rinse your hair with beer after shampooing. Then rinse with water. Shine and elasticity of hair is guaranteed. If there is a worry the smell of beer - apply a leave-in conditioner after rinsing.
What's inside.
Beer contains vitamin B - one of the most important for the skin. In addition, a beverage rich in antioxidants, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.
What the outside.
They say that even the ancient Egyptians prized beer recipes for beauty. And now their secrets to save our skin from toxins, excess fat, give glow contribute to acid balance and even struggling with acne.
How to apply.
Recipes have, and for the face and body.
• Beer can be one of the ingredients of masks for oily and normal skin. Mixed with oatmeal and honey - and on the face for 10 minutes.
• Beer - excellent cleaning composition, you can wash them, drink mattes the skin and has astringent properties.
• How about a beer bath? Adds a beer in the hot tub or just rinse the body with an aqueous solution of beer - for the effect of velvety skin.
Important! Be sure to do a test for allergic reaction before using any prescription folk cosmetology.