Do you ever have moments when you were very difficult to determine the color of nail polish? Then a new nail trend - just for you.
"Incongruous" manicure - this is the name that trend. And it assumes that you can choose absolutely any shades of nail of each nail. Almost closed eyes.
Collect your favorite nail polish and nail nakraste them - and you in the trend!
If you still want some kind of system, we offer you three ideas:
1. Complementary colors.
Take a hint that may provide a color wheel. Pick up a couple of extra colors (those that are located opposite each other), and mix these colors with three neutral white, nude, beige.

2. Soft pastel.
In pastels have good quality: almost all these shades are combined with each other. Therefore select from their reserves all pastel colors. If you can not find five pastel paints, add a combination of metallic or pearl.

3. Focus on the finish.
Let all shades of nail have an unusual finish, for example, metallics, glitter, pearl, chrome. Complete a neutral varnish, white or color nude.

A good trend?