Few know that gray hair - is not the only sign of aging hair. We found at least seven signs that your hair needs anti-aging care. Find out whether you should start to worry about the age-related changes in your hair.
The main cause of aging is a decrease in the amount of hair oils which the body can itself produce. Hence - the loss of vitality, moisturizing hair. Add to that the bad habits, the impact of the external environment. And your hair is not what they were 18-20 years old.
Before you
7 signs of aging hair
. Check if you have them:
Dry hair.

Brittle hair.

Split ends.

Curly hair (true for those who have always had straight hair).

These first 4 feature called warning. If you have one - yet it does not mean that you can record yourself in the old woman, but it is necessary to begin to correct the situation. Next - even three signs that say that the aging process has already come, because they are affected by age-related decrease in the production of pigment, resulting in:
The hair has a dull color.

Hair turns gray.

The hair becomes thinner and less dense.

Attention: any change of hair (color, density, texture) should attract your attention. This may reflect not only on the usual age-related changes, but also health problems.