Professional or selective, pharmacy or hand-made - a modern selection of cosmetics is incredibly gorgeous! How to choose from all the abundance of colorful and useful beauty tools, those that make it beautiful you? - This is what we asked Anna Kompaniets talented cosmetics, make-up artist, a vocation which fill the world with the beauty of a woman.
Natalia Bartukova:
Hello Anna! How to choose makeup? Share personal and professional experience!
Anna Kompaniets:
Good afternoon! I love to buy a new makeup to go for cosmetic shop, looking at the bright shop windows
. Choosing high-quality beauty products for the home beauticians, consider some nuances
. Firstly, all cosmetics are divided into mass cosmetics and professional
. For personal use, choose mass production, because the use of professional tools requires experience and skill, the more you can not use every day
. Secondly, choose a suitable place to buy cosmetics
. Do not buy cosmetics on the street, in the markets, it does not please you quality
. Rely on your personal experience and advice of your friends, ask the store probes favorite tools
. Third, give preference to popular and well-known brands that value their name
. Fourth, read the labels carefully and tips for using the selected funds
. Pay attention to the composition as well if cosmetic ingredients are plant extracts
. Fifth, if your skin is prone to allergic reactions, look for cosmetics labeled "hypoallergenic", which is not added to the alcohol, various hormones that cause irritation
. Sixth, always choose makeup for your age and skin type
. Watch the expiration date, if the shelf life of more than two years, then a means added a large number of preservatives, which negatively affects the skin
. For the choice of suitable tools for you to consult an experienced (if available), otherwise it will have to experiment until you find something it is his
Are there any tools that are suitable for everyone?
Cosmetic products suitable for everybody, I think that there is. The needs of the skin of every human individual. The only thing I can advise, buy creams and tonal foundations that not only mask the shortcomings of the skin, but also to care for her. Typically, these creams contain antioxidants that protect the skin from adverse environmental effects, prolong youth and prevent early signs of aging.
Better to beauty products were a cosmetic company, or you can not limit yourself in terms of the choice?
Availability caring cosmetic products for skin care products of the same brand or series is very important, because they contain ingredients that complement each other. If you do use cosmetics of different firms, try, at least, to face cleanser and tonic had one brand, and allowed another caring cream. The makeup can be used a number of firms makeup, because in each different vehicle components.

What is the minimum set of cosmetics to be a woman?
's Skin Care
It depends on the skin type and age of the woman. The minimum set's Skin Care includes: cleanser (gels, foams, lotions for the face), toner, day cream, night cream. Additionally, I would advise you to buy a scrub, facial mask.
But do not forget about the skin of the body, the woman's age often gives the skin of the neck, chest and arms, as these areas require special attention. Not necessarily to buy cream for the neck and décolleté, simply apply every night favorite night cream to these areas.
decorative cosmetics
I have identified the following essential products:
- Tonal basis, not cream. The basis for its consistency is easier and easier to apply to the skin;
- Loose powder for use in the home have to be a beautician in any fashionista. It completes the stage toning face lifts vellus hairs, gives a natural look;
- Compact powder exclusively for carrying in your purse to touch up make-up;
- Blush;
- A set of eyebrow, which usually includes the wax and shadow eyebrow. Eyebrows determine the mood and set the whole image of the image as a whole;
- mascara;
- Balm, gloss or lipstick, who like more.
Here is the minimum color cosmetics will help transform any girl. To create more than difficult to apply eye shadow, eyeliner different, proofreaders, etc.
What should not be in the women's purse, and for what reason?
Strongly should be beautician expired products. All cosmetic - a product consisting of chemical compounds. After the expiration date, they may be harmful to the human body. In addition, in late creams may appear different fungi, bacteria. Be sure to do an audit in their beautician at least once in six months.
The market is now represented by a lot of beauty cosmetics brands, which of them do you trust?
Indeed, beauty centers, beauty salons and boutiques just a huge selection of cosmetics brands, different price and quality. But do not forget about the company's products direct sales, as well as the cosmetics meets all standards and has decent quality. For my personal use, I use cosmetics company Oriflame, I like the light tone foundation and means of caring age. In my work I use the tools of Dr. Pierre Ricaud.
If we talk about the mass cosmetics which is commercially available, select three subclasses: massmarket, selective, pharmacy.
From massmarketa funds that are sold almost everywhere, personally I prefer L'Oreal, Maybelline. The main components of this makeup are mineral oils and paraffin plus a small amount of natural ingredients and active substances, due to the low price of this product.
Feel more effective use of the help of selective cosmetics. It includes the brands owned by fashion houses or possessing personal laboratory developments. Typically, these funds are expensive, beautiful packaging and are sold in specialty stores, such as L'Etoile. Remember that buying a makeup, you give money not only for quality but also for the name. Among the selective cosmetics I highlight: Chanel, Nina Ricci, Christian Dior.
There is another kind of beauty - Pharmaceutical or "therapeutic." This make-buy in a pharmacy. As the result, in my opinion, it is similar to the selective cosmetics, just poured into a more modest package. I recommend a series of cosmetics Vichy, where the main component is a thermal water of Vichy, which provides care and restoration of the skin, increasing its protective properties.

What tools will be useful in the creation of a make-up? Top 5 tools for home use.
- A tool for applying a tonal framework. Each picks that it is more convenient in use, it may be a sponge, a brush. Some of the girls, and even make-up artists applied concealer using pads of fingers;
- Duofibra. With this brush can be applied to powder, blush, highlighter;
- Kabuki Brush looks like a ball of fluff. This brush is optimally applied powder, blush, bronzer, and other complex structure means;
- Brush for shadows. It is better to have a few brushes of different sizes. The ideal option is a soft, elastic, with the assembled edge brush. An example of this is the classic brush MAC 217;
- Beveled brush designed to vyrisovyvaniya shooter, eyeliner and create the shape of the eyebrows.
What can you say about cosmetics hand-made? It is effective?
Properly cooked cosmetics hand-made only a positive effect on the skin. Using the appropriate type of skin active agents can be useful to cook soap or create a custom cream.
Cosmetics, hand-made is made on the basis of organic compounds does not contain synthetic substances and harmful ingredients. Herbal ingredients such cosmetics to effectively affect the overall condition of the skin. Cosmetic hand-made Recommended girls with sensitive skin.
Anna, thank you for the informative discussion and useful time!
Thank you! Best wishes to you!
Author: Natalia Bartukova