Top 4 anti-aging products in 2013
 Have you noticed that every year the fashion is any one food product, which is called the super-product, stopping years, and anti-aging? Among these were once blueberries, almonds, garlic ... What foods called super-food in 2013?

1. Raw organic eggs.
One egg contains vitamin D, lutein and zeaxanthin (agent for eye health and good vision), choline (a substance for young brain and central nervous and cardiovascular systems). Each egg also contains 6 grams of high quality protein (proteins are required for the renewal and maintenance of body tissues - such as skin, muscles, internal organs). Eggs, in addition, - the main component of a healthy immune system. It looks like the eggs completely rehabilitated and even entered in the top of the healthiest and anti-aging products.

 Top 4 anti-aging products in 2013

2. Leafy greens.
Spinach, kale, cabbage, salad - good sources of lutein and zeaxanthin. They have a lot of antioxidants, which reduce the development of age-related changes. Spinach is rich in folic acid, which improves short-term memory, reduces the risk of heart disease and cancer. Green vegetables and destroy free radicals damage in cells associated with them.

 Top 4 anti-aging products in 2013

3. Broccoli.
Broccoli is a high place among the products, anti-aging. Broccoli contains large amounts of the substance isothiocyanate, which is a good anti-cancer component (all crunchy vegetables).

4. Blueberries.
Five years ago, blueberries were the first places in the list of anti-age products. Today, it is still recommended as a product that neutralizes free radicals that damage cells in the brain and affect brain function.
Author: Julia Gnedina