You have found your way to remove hair? Weigh the pros and cons, and you select the appropriate method to spring and summer show a smooth and well-groomed skin, even in those areas where there was vegetation.
Advantages of the method:
It is the easiest and fastest way, but more affordable. Suitable for removing all types of hair, even a light gun. The procedure is done at home, in the salons of shaving is not offered. Razor can advise those who are traveling, hiking or a business trip, because the process requires only the presence of water and shaving cream.
Shaving removes hair just above the surface of the skin, that is, simply cut them. Roots remain intact. This means that shaving must be performed again very often, sometimes even daily. One disadvantage is the possibility of cuts or skin irritations, but they can be avoided by following basic tips (below).

If you choose shaving
- The most accessible are considered disposable razors. But if you want to completely eliminate the cuts, it is better to invest into an instrument of a higher class. Disposable razors are also considered not completely dermatologically friendly to sensitive skin, they have a rough edge.
- Use a shaving cream with moisturizing properties, moisturizing shaving is important because it helps the razor glide more easily and have less stress when shaving.
- If you intend to use self-tanning, the shaving must precede tanning, because the shaving cream and contribute to the process of exfoliation.
- Do not hold the blade across the skin several times in one and the same place. This will lead to burns and cuts. Use a shaving cream with white opaque foam, so you can see which areas of the skin have handled razor.
- Do not use the shaving soap. Specialized gels and shaving creams are composed of polymer ingredients that facilitate sliding of the razor over the skin, prevent cuts. Soap of these ingredients in the composition has not.
- Keep the shaver dry and clean, close by humidity. It can be disinfected with vodka or alcohol.
- If you suddenly cut occurred, will help stop the bleeding drops of Visine, they constrict blood vessels. Another home remedy that stops the blood - a lip balm or chapstick. You can put on a scratch chilled tea bag (tea tannins stop the blood) or an ice cube.
- If the skin after shaving blushed inflamed - Use chamomile tea or a soothing tonic (no alcohol).
wax removes hair completely from the root. The result is smooth skin lasts longer than shaving, - up to 6 weeks.
It is one of the major pain, especially in the bikini area. The method does not suit owners very sensitive skin. And waxing opens the pores, which creates a breeding ground for bacteria. Wax also allows you to delete very short hair, it does not capture them.

If you choose waxing
- If you're new to waxing, you must first go to the salon treatment to see how it's done correctly. Then you can practice the waxing yourself at home.
- Plan waxing for a week after menstruation, when the pain threshold higher than in the days of PMS.
- Start slowly and gradually. Your first waxing should not be total Brazilian hair removal.
- The day before vakisnga do exfoliation. Remove dead and dry cells allow the wax to capture even the shortest hairs.
- Solid wax rather than soft. Spa use often hard wax.
- An hour before the procedure can be easy to take painkillers such as Tylenol or aspirin tablets, which are sold in any drugstore.
- Take a deep breath before jerk wax, and a sharp break on the exhale, then you feel almost pain.
- At Bikini Waxing note that not all areas are equally painful. For example, the strongest pain - when removing hair in the abdomen, but, outer labia are not as sensitive as it seems.

Sugar waxing in recent years is gaining popularity. Although to date, this method will not carry, it exists century. Shugaring very similar to waxing, only less painful. The mixture of sugar, honey lemon and removes hair follicle directly from that eventually makes it thinner and less noticeable.
Benefits shugaring:
The natural way so less irritating to the skin. You can do at home. It's a cold way, so burns are excluded.
Hairs after shugaring do not disappear without a trace. Rather, they are clarified and become thinner. Shugaring works best on long hairs.
If you choose shugaring:
- Before the procedure should not shave the hair for at least 1, 5 weeks, because the sugar hair removal is designed for long hairs.
- Shugaring should be performed on dry skin, to the sugar has dissolved in the follicles.
- For pain you can take ordinary aspirin or ibuprofen 30 minutes before the procedure.
- Bananas are rich in potassium, so they can reduce the pain - eat bananas!
- Shugaring, like waxing, it is not recommended to do right after tanning, you should wait at least 1 week.
- After shugaring should take a shower and remove the sugar residues with a damp flannel cloth, and the pores can be "close" a light tonic.
- Shugaring contraindicated if you are taking some of the following medications: Akutan (Accutane), Tretinoin, Retin-A, Tarazotene.
