In every woman's life there comes a time when you want to be especially beautiful. Shine on the celebration of life, positioning herself Queen, no less. myCharm divided the most effective ways of appearance transformation! Be fine with us!
Cinderella helped transform the holiday fairy, but as you remember, during the brightness girl was, alas, not for long. We are with you are aimed at long preservation result. Therefore, we will use other methods!
On the face drinking water! - Gives elasticity, radiance return
Make the skin more elastic to help special massage. It activates the proper conduct of the movement of fluid in the deep layers, ensure the elimination of toxins. How to spend it? - Soft forth motions stroking the forehead, starting at the center, moving towards temples. Through brow strengthen pressure. Then return to the minimum-pressed gently massaging the face area from the eyebrows to the ears. The next step will be an intense pressing of the ear to the nose. Rounding out the massage with gentle pumping movements from the nose to the chin. Director of the spa in Arizona S.Markser sure this massage can give results comparable to the use of fortified sera!
The second method will express rejuvenation sera using oil-based. These cosmetics on the skin creates a special protective barrier that reduces the harmful effects of the environment. Please note that as part of the serum were ingredients of plant origin - extracts of cypress, roses yl sandalwood. They not only moisturize the skin but also help it to produce collagen!
Special thanks to the application of oils on the skin in its pure form. If the skin is dry and dehydrated - this is justified, however, by choosing the means, pay attention to its quality. The fact that some types of surface treatment oils contribute to the appearance of hyperpigmentation!

Chiseled figure: the body does sex!
Of course, a healthy diet and loyalty gym cope with this task better, but we're talking about how to instant transformation. One of the most deserving, is considered to be - peeling.
Take a bath with essential oils and flavored with salt. Thus, the procedure is not only to "treat" the body but the soul healthier. That on the eve of the solemn event extremely useful. While in the bath, massage your favorite scrub. Do not forget to treat the arms and shoulders. Rinse with warm water and a cosmetic product. You just activate blood circulation and help the body eliminate toxins.
If you are concerned about such a problem as dryness and flaking of the elbows, solve it immediately. Apply to the problem area thin layer of oil for the body wrap portion of a towel soaked in water. Allow yourself about anything not to think for 10-15 minutes, even in front of your inner eye sweep the happiest moments of your life. Remove the towel and gently pat the skin moisturized. You are back on top!

Aristocratic tenderness: refresh neck and décolleté
Many evening dresses neck and décolleté is left bare. It is believed that this makes a woman more sexy. Arguing will not, it is better to give these areas perfect order!
Let's start with cleansing! The procedure is best done in the shower. Using non-abrasive scouring pads gently massage the neck and décolleté, after having put body lotion with a neutral PH. Avoid excessive activity, otherwise you may accidentally damage the skin! Complete procedure soaked body with a soft towel.
Smooth skin, improve skin tone and elasticity to help improve cosmetics with lactic acid. Apply a lotion with the specified ingredients in the appropriate areas of the body, wait until completely absorbed. Then apply the cream with vitamin complex. By solemn leaves you almost ready!

Silk cascade: give your hair volume
Let your beauty arsenal and this procedure will be as relaxing massage that stimulates hair growth and makes them shine and silkiness. Comb your hair, moving in the direction from one temple to another, then from the neck to the crown. Repeat combing in reverse order. An important component of the success of a relaxation massage is touching teeth comb to the scalp, as it accelerates the blood flow and even reduces stress!
Help hair gain volume in the cube with cosmetics with proteins. Special serum or oil to prevent section and strengthens the hair structure along its length. Apply the product to the unwashed hair, spread it from root to tip. Wait a few minutes and rinse with usual shampoo. Dry the hair dryer, you will see the efforts were not in vain! Volume styling is ready!
Be beautiful!
Author: Natalia Bartukova