Warm aromatic bath invigorates and refreshes, awakens sensuality, gives peace and tranquility. It cures diseases and simulates the shape, you need only to choose the right fragrance.
Baths with essential oils - a ticket to the world of relaxation and enjoyment, in which a modern woman, unfortunately, it happens less and less. In the line of work, people and family concerns, we often forget about ourselves, and suffer from it. You can not be happy without a good rest, so renounce from all weekend (or right now) and indulge in aromatic spa treatments!
Essential oils have different effects on our nervous system. There are more than 500 types of oils, each of which is unique. But all of them have healing properties, so the presence of the house a small collection of fragrant bottles certainly will do you good. Meet the most common effect of essential oils!

Map fragrances
Relieve stress after a hard day and calm the nervous system to help oil of lime, lavender, marjoram, lemon balm, rose and sandalwood.
Tones and will add strength smells of cardamom, basil, bergamot, lime and yarrow.
Tune in sexual games and sensual pleasures of essential oils of myrrh, neroli and geranium.
Improve metabolism, causing the body to burn body fat alive, eliminating the appearance of cellulite and excess weight oils of citrus - lemon, orange, lime and grapefruit.
It strengthens the immune system and help to overcome an early cold cloud of fragrant extracts of chamomile, fir, sage, peppermint, rosemary and eucalyptus.
Increase the elasticity of the skin, promotes rapid healing of scars cinnamon oil, tea tree and juniper.
Tighten the skin with a sharp decrease in weight after childbirth or aroma of clove, cedar and grapefruit oil.
Have the listed oils and general properties. All fragrances enhance the degree of mood, relieve irritability and fatigue, relieve headaches and improve sleep. The effectiveness of oil increases by several times, if you take them a warm bath.

The body is in a cloud of fragrances
On the relaxing effects of warm water is written much. Perhaps the best way to quickly get in shape and regain a taste for life. Just a couple of drops of essential oil creates extraordinary miracles! But in addition to the general recommendations made by official medicine, it is important to take into account your own preferences. If the fragrance oil or unpleasant to you at all uncomfortable to use it for bathing is not necessary. This oil will not profit you, so better to choose another.
How to take a bath with essential oils?
As with any other kind of medicinal bath should be taken after a shower. Clean skin easily and freely passes actives oils, thereby increasing their effectiveness. Fragrant spa treatments need to coordinate with the meal. The best option - two hours before a meal, or as much after it.
We must remember that essential oils - is a concentrated liquid. Protect the skin and mucous membranes of their hit, otherwise you may experience allergic reactions and burns. To prevent the listed status, the master spa treatments are advised to connect the oil bases.
What is the base?
Base - a substance that reduce the pungency esters. They prevent rapid evaporation of the oil, thus prolonging their positive effect on our body. There are many choices of bases, but the most simple and convenient at home have sea salt, honey, vegetable oil (corn, olive, sunflower) and dairy products (milk, kefir, cream, natural yoghurt).
How to mix essential oils and base? - To prepare the bath large number of substance-base is not required. Suffice it to 1-2 tablespoons to a bath to be "fertilize" 1-2 drops of essential oil. Base should choose based on their needs. Honey and vegetable oil moisturizes the skin, nourishes the cells with vitamins and microelements. Dairy products - a storehouse of beneficial bacteria, and sea salt - assistant in losing weight.
The optimum temperature of the bath - 36-39 ° C, within a given range, you can select it at its discretion.

The duration of intake of essential baths
Cooked duly scented bath does not impose any restrictions on the amount of time spent in it. It can be 15 minutes to raise the "battle" of the spirit, or half an hour for complete relaxation. Upon completion of spa treatments body rinse necessarily, but to extend the short-lived dream holiday, reading a book or other relaxing activities is highly desirable. If you take a bath, to quickly come to the tone of the event, or before an important business meeting, they plan no later than two to three hours to complete the procedure.
Be beautiful!
Author: Natalia Bartukova