If you have already made a route for your summer vacation, it's time to think about how to approach selling days in the best shape, and then - quickly recover before working weekdays. In most cases, modern vacation involves a mix of beach, and an active night life. Then you will need all the tips from this article.
Relax on the beach
Going over the Mediterranean Sea or the Crimea? The beaches of Italy, France and the Krasnodar Territory - have always been a favorite place for relaxation of modern working women. This is a good choice that will fill the body with vitamins and vital forces in a short time. It is necessary to prepare the skin and hair to rest. After recover.

Buy a good sunscreen is not enough. Try to protect your skin from burns inside. Pharmacies are on sale Sun vitamins that help to protect from UV light, even the most sensitive skin. There is another reason to make the purchase. Vitamins Sun make it more smooth and stable. After all, you want a little longer to show your colleagues your youthful appearance? Vitamins Sun protect the skin from the formation of freckles, age spots. Take can begin even before the holiday for 2-4 weeks: 1 capsule per day during meals.

If you protect your skin, it is to a lesser degree will need to be rebuilt. And the hair, unfortunately, inherited from the sun and salt water. Here's your action plan: use hair oil. The best - coconut oil. Princeton University in the United States has been proven that it is coconut oil penetrates into the hair and reduce its porosity because molecule coconut oil is quite small. Massage the scalp with coconut oil for 10 minutes, then leave on the hair for at least 20 minutes and wash off with shampoo. But if serious damage to the hair, then leave the oil on the hair should be no less than 4 hours.
Camping in the middle lane
If your element - holiday cottage or camp life, your beauty-care little different from the beach heroines.

Buy a hand cream, apply it on your hands at least twice a day. This will save you from dry, massage with cream stimulates the energy centers, calm. Avoid bright nail polish, they are seen faster chips and cracks. It is better to select a protective varnish colorless or naked. Hair bring a leave-in conditioner or serum with dimethicone. This handy tool, it must be applied to the hair with his hands, from the middle of the hair to the tips (not on the scalp!). Leave-in conditioner will make your hair soft and protects against dryness and wind. Perfect solution, and no recovery is required.

Your skin as air need a good exfoliation. Being outside their usual environment, you could hardly do a thorough exfoliation. Require special attention heels, elbows and knees. If domestic baths and scrubs did not help, contact the interior of the spa treatments. Hair, too, in order, a temperate climate they are not dry. But there is a hint: they trim the after holiday, about 2 cm. It is so much hair grow for 1 month relaxing and harmonious holiday. Mowing get rid of split ends and unnecessary wave, and make subsequent installation easier and more resistant.
Holidays in the city
Urban discos and restaurants, an active nightlife involves problems. But to them, too, you can handle.

Always carry wet wipes and thermal water in a spray. These simple tools will help cool and moisturize the skin without disturbing makeup. And clear, because in urban conditions the skin more susceptible to acne because of the dust. Take the capsules with biotin (vitamin B complex is dissolved in water), it is also known as vitamin H or coenzyme R. or takes omega-3 fatty acids in the form of supplements for a month. It will protect hair and skin from damage.
You, of course, cocktails and a good wine? The largest number of antioxidants - in natural red wine and the skin has received enough of them. But if you overdo it with alcohol, the skin indicates this. Bust with alcohol immediately affects the skin of the face in the form of dryness, redness, skin like "falls". Your first aid - detox. Purification need and stomach, and skin. For the face, use night detox oil - Detox Oil, it literally sucks the toxins from the skin, stimulates cell growth and makes skin brighter and more luminous. To restore facial contours, use the funds to stimulate the growth of collagen, as well as so-called temporary fillers with collagen. They do not require injections, but have the same effect as spies in the injections, however, temporary.

Hair need a simple procedure: shampooing klarifaing. He gets rid of all the unnecessary synthetic substances that have accumulated hair after using a large number of styling products and the unfavorable impact of the urban environment.