Heat and hot the sun is on the horizon, which will certainly cause a lot of positive emotions. But, for sure, each of us remember the days when the sun is beating down too fiercely, not only deteriorating state of health, but also our appearance. Blur cosmetics, excessive sweating, fast polluting dust blown hair worn - not a pleasant one. Our tips will help you look even on the hottest days, all 100!
1. Avoid complicated hairstyles, excessive use of paints and gels
By the way, the latest, and at other times of the year should not be abused, but in the heat - especially. Because sweating and dust to maintain a complicated hairstyle with laying quite difficult - in the middle of the day it can look very unpresentable. And therefore give preference to fresh slicked back in a ponytail or hair. The last option is most convenient: the hair will not stick to the neck.

2. Do not use oily cosmetics
Shadows and lipstick on the basis of fat in the hot rapidly lose its form - smeared and spread. Same goes too oily sheen and even chapstick. In the case of the latter - it can be seen, of course, will not, however, an unpleasant feeling fat around the lips you provided. If you use only fatty shadows, take it a rule to apply them in the heat less in quantity, and on top a little powder.
But the best thing in the heat opt for dry and pale shadows netemnyh tones (dark will look too gloomy) and transparent, but not greasy lip gloss. Generally warm weather - it's time to naturalness, and first of all - in makeup. So choose the shade of pastel and golden tones, and black ink to replace the brown. This will soften the image!

3. Take frequent manicures
Be prepared for the fact that the varnish, looking fresh and shining in the cool period, much faster will come to the "useless" during the heat. The thing impacts the environment: high temperature, scorching sun and water (especially if you often bathe) quickly spoil the appearance of the freshly applied nail polish. To look neat, manicure update every couple of days.

4. Use facial scrubs
In the hot season, our skin is prone to more than the usual clog the pores of the dust and sweat and, therefore, it must be cleaned more often. If you normally should use scrub once a week, in the heat, apply it to the skin twice a week.

5. Freshen face
We are not talking about the frequent use of powder, despite the fact that shine in the heat appears more often. Freshen your face thermal water or tonic. Make it a rule not to powder too often. For example, the powder in the morning, the afternoon is best to wash, refresh the face tonic (this will remove some shine), and then to re-powder - so you will look much more well-groomed and fresh.
By the way, take on arms and rub skin with ice cubes. Well, if you freeze the infusion of chamomile or green tea - it will refresh and soothe the skin at the same time!

6. Use cream with a light texture
If the winter is perfectly greasy cream eliminates the feeling of tightness and dryness of the skin, in the summer it will bring you a lot of discomfort. The hottest time is worth looking into cream with a light texture - they are easily and quickly absorbed. It is best if you choose a cream with a filter from sunlight.
7. Wear sunglasses
They not only protect your eyes and the delicate skin around the eyes from excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays, but also to prevent the early appearance of "crow's feet", because without this accessory you will ever have to squint!

Follow these simple tips and stay beautiful and attractive even in the hot weather!