Finally, the long-awaited heat - it is not just entered, and literally burst into our lives! Down hats, coats, jackets, and soon will reach up tights place ... not so relevant is yet jeans and trousers, and is about to come it is time to short skirts, shorts, sundresses and sandals. Spring - a time when the beauty of the legs is no less important than the beauty of the face. After long months of winter, when the course was to hide the legs, as the most thermophilic part of our body, under trousers, long skirts with insulation, etc., we can finally reveal them to the world.
Of course, if the winter you are not lazy, and maintain a state of the legs at the proper level, the problems you should not be, but, honestly, admit - very few of the women in the cold season performs consistently and regularly the whole complex of the recommended measures foot care. Bring the feet in order not hard to do and you need it right now. And then the season of sandals and short skirts, we met with the smooth, shapely legs, manicured feet with soft heels and neat pedicure.

Pleasant to touch, beautiful to look at: questions depilation
Ways to get rid of unwanted hair, there are many, and what you choose, it's up to you, the main thing - the result of a smooth, silky skin.
Of course, if we do legs at home, you have to talk only about the hair removal, that is, the procedures by which that remove only the outer part of the hair without affecting (or almost touching) bulb. Cardinal solution to the problem - the destruction of the hair bulb and the complete cessation of hair growth to reach at home is almost impossible.
The most simple and affordable way to make your feet smooth - a razor, waxing (hair removal with wax) and chemical hair removal using a depilatory cream.

using a mechanical epilator, the procedure painful and fraught with complications in the form of skin irritation and ingrown hairs. True, and this method has its supporters, in view of its simplicity, and using a hard sponge and scrub before and after the procedure, you can avoid ingrown hairs.
- The most affordable, simple and economical way, only to engage britёm often have.

Chemical depilation
- Painless and relatively inexpensive method of getting rid of unwanted vegetation on their feet. If you are not allergic to the components of the cream - depilatory, enzymes that literally dissolve your hair, this method deserves attention. However, when the hair is too rough and thick cream can not dissolve the proteins contained therein to the desired state.
(bioepilyatsiya or waxing) - one of the most common ways of dealing with unwanted hair, it is quite effective, relatively inexpensive, provides good cosmetic results. For the legs used mainly warm waxing (and there is hot and cold). The basis of soft wax - a mixture of pine resin and softener (beeswax or honey). The technology is simple: on the desired skin warm wax is applied, the top is covered with a strip of cloth. After a few seconds a sharp movement of the tissue is removed with wax and hairs. After that, the skin is treated with special oils and lotions that slow down hair growth and at the same time soothe the skin, making it soft and silky.

For all its simplicity, and waxing have significant disadvantages: it is much soreness, the inability to capture the short hairs. But, in addition, waxing removes thin vellus hairs, which are due to irritation of the bulbs may become dark and hard.
Another method that can be used at home - shugaring (hot hair removal sugar). The procedure resembles waxing sugar is dissolved in water with lemon juice and boil until a viscous syrup used to make a ball. This sugar ball quickly rolled over the skin and tear off with the hair in the direction opposite to their growth. The result is an extremely smooth, as a baby's skin. The method is also painful, and irritation of the skin possible, and before you master this technique to perfection, will have to experiment a bit and work out with the syrup concentration and agility movements.
Pedicure: treat, care for, decorate
Neat and beautiful foot - is the key to health, good mood, confidence. Consider a pedicure is not just like nail care and covering them with lacquer, but in a broader sense. The word "pedicure" consists of two Latin roots: pedis, which means "foot" and cure - "withdrawal". Foot Care, Foot Care begin with hygienic measures:
- Not just the nightly washing the feet with soap and a special warm bath relieves fatigue, cleanses the skin, improves blood circulation. Fill should be warm water with a special detergent and softening composition: You can buy ready-made, but you can prepare by using a solution of baking soda and infusions of chamomile, sage, oak bark.

It is useful to add to the water infusion of flaxseed or needles at the rate of 2 tablespoons. spoon on 1 liter of boiling water. If you have skin cracks and wear, it is desirable to add to the water disinfectants - tincture of calendula (1 tbsp. Spoon in 1 liter of water), plantain and nettle (2 tbsp. Chopped herbs to 1 liter of water) and boric acid (1 h. Spoon 1 liter of water). The tray can be added extracts of tea tree, spruce, willow, and thus strengthen its disinfectant and bactericidal action. Adding apple cider vinegar helps to soften rough skin. You can also hover legs in unsalted broth treated potatoes. This procedure makes the skin soft and silky feet.
- Remove the top layer of hard skin and corns.
Corns this is it compacted dead skin cells of our feet, which is not crumbled, and remained in place, as we spend a lot of time in the shoe, and it is often not very convenient and quality. Complete absence of the heel, narrow shoes or narrowed its ends, uncomfortable or too hot boots, hard soles and do not benefit the skin of the feet. All that repeatedly gets in the soles of mechanical damage - from rubbing up regular or high pressure - is the cause of corns. To delete them perfect for special cosmetic grater or pumice. Help and special creams for skin peeling feet, including pumice chips and natural scrubs from apricot kernels, green tea leaves and mulberry - they clean the skin without irritating it, and vegetable oils (olive, shea, sunflower seeds) excellent moisturize it make smooth and gentle.
Nutrition and massage
- After cleaning the foot, as well as the spaces between the fingers carefully promoknёm towel. Now promassiruem foot and toes with any nourishing cream specifically for feet - the choice they are now truly boundless, and approximately the same effect - the normalization of blood circulation, deodorizing effect, the healing of abrasions, and nourishing the skin. Using the leg rests creams for the face and hands - the wrong tactics, they have different activity spectrum.

Three times a week, make a full foot massage with massage oil - an extremely useful procedure not only for legs but for the whole body, because the surface of the foot is a lot of active points, which correspond to the spine and internal organs. Great massage oil is not difficult to prepare yourself at home. Take 2 tsp. Of the base oil (olive, soybean, castor, jojoba), add 3 drops of lavender essential oil and 1 drop of geranium oil and chamomile. Mix everything in one container and use to massage the feet.
Now zaymёmsya nails!
By removing from the nail horny skin and dirt, they must be cut and cosmetic nail file to file. Moreover, professionals are advised to start with the corners of the nail to the transverse incision of the nail plate is not broke down and broke. Thumbnail leave a little longer to cover the tip of a finger. If the nail is inclined to grow into the skin - not to round off and cut the nails only in a straight line.
An important element of a pedicure - cuticle, serves an important function: to protect the nail bed from the introduction of disease-causing bacteria. So cut it, we will not, but just gently shift the base of a wooden stick, after inflicting on the cuticle of a special cream dissolving it. Cuticle in this case is not damaged, and thus open the gate for infection remains, but it becomes thinner and more aesthetic look.

The final procedure is working on the nail - lacquer. The film on the surface of the nail lacquer protects it from bacteria and of micro, so it should not be neglected. Luck is better to choose does not contain formaldehyde and other components are withering. These varnishes quickly adapt to environmental conditions (temperature and humidity), so keep a long time. Apply the paint in broad strokes from the base of the nail to the edge, for easy put between the toes special separators or cotton balls. For the legs, preferably choose a discreet neutral shade, which gives the nails well-groomed appearance and, at the same time, combined with any accessories and paint on hand.
Love your feet and do not be lazy to care for them, the regular use of procedures pedicure, waxing timely, let not hesitate to put the legs on display at any time of the year.