Pains in the legs, and even cramps, swelling and blisters - this summer problem familiar to almost everyone. To solve them is not as difficult as it seems. Let this summer will be marked by a flying gait and a sense of lightness in the legs.
Everybody knows about the benefits of foot massage. We like the procedure, when we do a pedicure at the salon. But do yourself a massage alone does not solve everything. There is a lack of knowledge in this field and skills. We have prepared for you
the simplest instructions on how to do massage, riding the legs of heaviness and fatigue:
1. Apply a layer of palm balm or lotion.
2. Add the lotion some awakening and invigorating ingredient (if any) to choose from: peppermint, pine oil, camphor, rosemary oil.
3. Use long stroking movements during a massage.
4. Slowly massage the sole of one foot with both hands (fingers). Start with your toes and move to the heel. Apply additional pressure to the arch of the foot and the foot itself.
5. Grasp the foot with both hands. Gently twist the arms from side to side, as if you squeeze the towel. These movements relieve pain, which appeared on the long standing on his feet for several hours.
6. Finish the massage by gently pulling and releasing each toe.
Repeat with the other leg.

Exercise to strengthen the foot and leg cheerfulness
This simple exercise can be done sitting before the TV or reading the press.
1. Take off your shoes, put his bare feet on the wooden or tiled floors.
2. Before kicking put a small towel.
3. Grab your toes and the edge of towels, fingering, try to pull the towel to her. Under the fingers the way "accordion" cloth.
4. Now, the same fingering, move your towel in the opposite direction.
Repeat 3 or 4 times. Your legs become stronger tone will they be free of tension.
Removal of edema
Swollen feet - not just granny problem. Even young girls in the heat can come home with swollen feet. Relieve cold.
The foot bath with water, add 10 ice cubes, 6 drops of tea tree oil or rosemary. Put your feet in the bath for 30 seconds. Then wipe vigorously with a towel. Repeat soaking until the swelling subsides. It is more convenient to do this procedure with each leg individually.

The same technique is very good exfoliate dead cells, make feet smooth.
Rough patches legs require constant attention. After all, they are the cause of corns, cracks, infections. Therefore, they need frequent exfoliation and mitigation.
If added to the bath for the feet fruit juices or milk, then dry and soften rough patches quickly, because these simple ingredients contain natural acids. When exfoliating scrub, exfoliating in better to add oil to the skin is not dried feet and moistened.
Foot cream usually have more fat and thick texture, because the legs thicker skin and needs good wetting. If facial oils should be used with caution, the skin legs the opposite rule out more oil! The foot cream can be a high concentration of ingredients such as petrolatum, glycerin, hyaluronic acid, shea butter. If the skin of feet strongly shelled, then use foot cream containing lactic acid (it dissolves dry cells and hydrates the skin). Cream with urea - a good decision from the calluses and rough skin of the foot.

In summer, the blisters and calluses appear not only on the legs: gardeners and lovers to work in the garden knows that by shovels and choppers and corn stand
on hands
. I am glad that prevent blisters on the palms of the hands is much easier than on the legs. It is enough to have on hand a talc or a special lubricant, and work gloves.
As for corns
on foot
, One of the reasons - incorrectly matched shoes. Because of this, the corn can occur even at a leisurely outing, though, of course, most of the corn are more active movements in uncomfortable shoes.
New shoes - a potential source of corns. To avoid this, a new pair of shoes or sneakers should denounce a couple of hours at home. This will help to understand whether there is any problem areas where friction is especially strong. They should take special precautions in the form of a patch. And the shoes should be worn at all only with socks. At the same time, cotton socks - is not always the best option, because they absorb water and rub on the skin. Reduces friction synthetics. Good decision - double socks. These socks are of the top smooth synthetic fabric, and inside - cotton, comfortable to the skin.
Plaster - is, of course, a simple and fast solution possible blisters, but sometimes not the most effective. If the situation allows, it is better to make a bandage, because the plaster often increases discomfort and skin lesions, he comes unstuck and shifted to long-term use.

Some simple products for the prevention of corns:
- Silicone powder or talc. His sleep in socks before put on shoes.
- Ointment for calluses. These products are specifically designed to avoid the appearance of blisters.
- Vaseline. It is the most affordable product from corns. Helps prevent blisters. Problem areas have to smear Vaseline, put on socks and shoes on top.