Strategy to combat the "orange peel" requires the simultaneous use of a number of procedures and techniques of beauty. Life in motion, nutrition, alternating salon events with home care will allow you to get rid of sensitive issues in the shortest possible time.
Eyes on insulin
Until recently, the main "ally" of cellulite was considered the female hormone estrogen. The higher the titer of his woman's body, the smaller the percentage of skin smoothness could boast of its owner - say doctors. Studies rehabilitated estrogen, shifting much of the blame to the hormone insulin. The latter controls the level of glucose in the blood, increases dramatically during stressful experiences. Stable above normal levels of insulin metabolic disorders in the body, resulting in the loss of an attractive relief.
The first rule to eliminate cellulite - calm. Create your own relaxation technique preserve the health and beauty - mix yoga and meditation, relaxing baths and listen to melodious music.
Life in motion
Cellulite occurs primarily where the inactive muscle and impaired blood and lymph circulation. Heavy artillery at the forefront of the fight against cellulite is considered to be running, cycling, swimming, playing football and volleyball.
Attention, prevention
Actively advertised drugs against the "orange peel" have a greater preventive effect. Thus, the content in the medium
extract caffeine
will contribute to the intense fat burning,
- The elimination of edema,
green tea
- Improving the blood supply to the skin.
Massage works
Different types of massage of problem areas using special means can datoschutimye rezultatyvsego for some procedures.

Hand massage.
Due to the effects on the active points while kneading the muscles cellulite leaving the skin for 7-10 sessions. Contraindications to this type of massage is pelvic inflammatory disease.
Cup massage.
10-15 sessions can massage will smooth the skin and make it more elastic. Exclude apply this method of dealing with "orange peel" varicose veins.
Lymphatic drainage.
It is a light patting and stroking the surface of the problem areas in the direction of lymph drainage. It is believed gentle method to eliminate cellulite. The minimum is 15 sessions of treatments.
Treatments wraps stimulate sweating followed by toxins. Carried out as follows: on the areas in need of correction applied anti-cellulite formulations, and then on top wrap film. Duration of treatment should be at least 30 minutes. To enhance the effect zone wraps can be further "warmed" - cover with a towel or woolen blanket.
Wraps with seafood firmly won the palm in the ranking of anti-cellulite treatments. The minimum rate is 7 sessions. The list of contraindications - abnormal heart disease, iodine allergy, skin diseases.
Coffee, chocolate body wraps.
Due to the high content of caffeine activates the metabolism. The pleasant aroma of freshly ground coffee invigorates and nourishes joyful emotions. The course is 8-10 treatments. When propensity to allergies be used with caution.

Painful, but effective way to deal with problematic terrain by intradermal administration of ozone, or caffeine. The main contraindication to the use of the procedure is the idiosyncrasy of the active substances.
It includes the introduction of special therapeutic cocktails to enhance the metabolism in the deeper layers of the skin. Minimum multiplicity of sessions is 7 procedures conducted not more than once a week.
Ozone therapy.
Saturates tissues with oxygen. The course is 7-10 treatments, sessions which are held once a week.
It represents an active influence on the current problem areas a certain power that causes muscle contraction. This procedure activates the flow of blood and lymph circulation, breaks down fats, improves skin tone. The course program is 5-12 procedures. Hypertension, thrombophlebitis and varicose veins - the list of contraindications.
The use of ultrasound
Applicable only in the hips. It causes vibration in the tissues, causing the cells are updated, getting rid of the fats and toxins. The maximum rate is 4 sessions only once a year. The list of contraindications - cardiovascular and gynecological diseases, hypertension.
The war against cellulite can not be played if it is given enough vnimaniyai funds. Take care of your skin and its smooth relief will please you.
Author: Natalia Bartukova