Burnt by the Sun, or the red, red, caulk ... Part 1
 Blotchy skin, as in Dalmatian, very few people will appreciate. It is much easier to "spotting" buy than get rid of it. It is important not only to get rid of age spots, and find out the cause of their appearance. Sometimes it is very difficult to distinguish harmless pigmentation of precursors of various diseases ...

Almost every woman scrutinized her reflection in the mirror, sooner or later finds a speck of pigment in the skin, and sometimes a whole "constellation".

  A small number of sunspots (even the name is cute) give the face a certain charm, but when the amount of pigment spots or significant contrasts sharply with the color of the skin, many people panic. Here it is no bells and whistles of the herbs so sunscreen will not be enough - it is necessary to make an appointment to the beautician.

  By the way, at the moment whitening procedures are among the most sought-after salon treatments. It should be noted that the whitening of the skin - a very important event, when properly selected treatment procedure, there is risk of harm to the skin. Therefore, if you dare to salon procedures, select professional (in his hands your beauty and skin), and carefully read the proposed procedures (indications, contraindications, the rehabilitation period, methods of, etc.).

  There comes the autumn - it's time to "take" of freckles, and for some new pigment spots.

  To begin with we shall understand: where are the spots and place them on whether your skin?

  The color of our skin depends on many factors. First of all, the content of melanin therein.   In terms of anatomy (human sciences): the more melanin in the skin, so it is darker. Remember in school we studied the race of mankind: Negroid, Caucasians, Mongoloids? And they said that the determining factor in the description of the races is skin color? There are the following types of melanin, the combination of which depends on the natural color and skin:

  - Eumelanin (gives the skin a black color);

- Pheomelanin   (It gives the skin a shade from yellow to red-brown).

  Albinism - the complete absence of the pigment melanin in the body. But usually melanin is present even in the most light-skinned people. This is evidenced by such diseases as vitiligo. When areas of depigmentation of vitiligo (skin without melanin) visible on the background of white skin.

  Furthermore melanin important role in the "coloring" of the skin and still play the following pigments: hemoglobin recovered (gives the skin a bluish tint cyanotic) hemoglobin oksigenizirovanny   (gives the skin a reddish tint) carotene   (gives the skin a yellowish hue).

  And in terms of physiology (the science of the life of the organism) There are two types of pigmentation: the constitutional and elective.   Constitutional assigned to us genetically (given by parents) and is not dependent on external factors (where we live and in what conditions). For example, Negroid, and the North will be "black". Can this kind of pigmentation called irreversible.

  But the optional type of pigmentation depends on external factors. For example, darkening of the skin in Europeans, when they leave the southern edge or hyperpigmentation occurring in various diseases (Addison's disease, intestinal worms, syphilis, chemotherapy, etc.). This pigmentation can be called reversible since it disappears after the cause.

Skin color is also dependent on the thickness of the epidermis, the thickness and the state of the stratum corneum.

  In different areas of the skin horny layer has a different thickness and opacity. Accumulated on the surface of dead skin flakes give the skin a grayish hue. Already it is worth to carry out the procedure of surface peeling. Even after the usual scrub the skin will look more fresh and posvetlevshey.

  If the epidermis is thinned (often with age), the skin has a yellowish tint due to the translucent subcutaneous fat.

Skin color depends on the number and location of blood vessels under the skin, their tone.   If the vessels are located close to or under the thinning of the epidermis, the skin has a reddish tint. In some chronic skin diseases (rosacea, demodicosis, rosacea, systemic lupus erythematosus, etc.) vessels give the skin a reddish-bluish tint. In neurosis may be red spots.

  With a lack of blood supply or vasospasm skin is pale with a grayish tinge.

According to French scientists, the skin color also depends on the oxygen saturation and even the stress state of the whole body!

Types of pigment spots

- Birthmarks (nevi)   dark spots are observed at birth, but may appear in the course of life. There are in the form of vascular and pigmented nevi angiomas. It's hard to find someone who would not be nevi.
- Age (lentigo)   It appears after 50 years in the open areas of the body that are most exposed to solar radiation and are associated with age-related changes in the skin.

- Solar dark spots   formed as a result of intense solar radiation. Most such spots are located on the face, upper chest, shoulders and back.

- Brown spots pregnancy   (chloasma, "mask of pregnancy"). These spots appear in the first months of pregnancy and usually disappears with the first postpartum menses (within 3-4 months after birth). Sometimes dark spots "linger" longer and they have to "fight." During pregnancy pigmentation is specific: the nipples darken, the middle line of the abdomen, inner thighs, spots may appear on the face.

- Spot photosensitivity   - Local pigmentation - a reaction to the sun after skin substances that increase its sensitivity to sunlight. Such substances include: alcohol-containing products (perfume, toilet water, deodorants, etc.), some essential oils (citrus whole group, etc.). These compounds act as small magnifying glass through which sunlight is focused on the skin.

  Beauticians and dermatologists advise not to use makeup and do not apply perfume when sunbathing. Some women can detect a kind of "tag" - spots on the neck and earlobes - in places deposited perfume.

- Freckles (c efelidy Greek "sun marks / blotches") - a natural protective reaction to ultraviolet rays. This type of pigment spots appear in childhood (4-6 years). The most common in fair-skinned and / or blond or red-haired people, because Sunlight is the greatest danger for them. Freckles focus sunlight on itself, thus preventing the appearance of sunburn.

  Freckles in the spring, with the beginning of the activity of the sun (hence the name). Gradually, their number increases, the color becomes darker.
In late autumn and winter freckles fade or disappear completely (in this period, the body does not need a powerful protection against UV).

  Usually freckles are located in open areas of the face and, later, of the body. The highest intensity of sunspots observed in the period from 13-15 to 20-25 years. In old age freckles gradually "fade", reduced in size or disappear. Old man with freckles does not happen! Speckled - yes, and with freckles - no.

  Freckles had problems not only with our contemporaries: in the Middle Ages freckles were considered a sign of witchcraft! Not only the black cat could be burned at the stake, but the freckled man!

  In freckles guessing predicted fate!

  The challenge from sunburn and freckles practically the same - protection from ultraviolet radiation. The only difference is that the tan evenly distributed.

Attention! Brown spots - part of a "satellite" of women's diseases, diseases of the liver, gallbladder and pancreas, sexually transmitted diseases, neurological diseases (including stress) and endocrine systems, kidney disease. Pigmentation occurs in tuberculosis, worms, malaria, etc. Often it appears when working with chemicals in hypovitaminosis C (lack of vit. C).

  Sometimes the color and location of pigment spots can assume this or that disease!

  Grayish skin can be caused by prolonged use of silver nitrate. "Stain" the skin graphite powder, carbon black, coal (melasma).

  Brown spots may appear under the mechanical action on the skin (friction underwear, clothing, body parts).

  Annoying lotions and ointments (containing sulfur, bismuth, etc.) may also lead to changes in color.

  Long-term use of hormonal ointments leads to thinning of the skin and discoloration (so-called "parchment skin").

  Improperly selected treatments and cosmetics for skin care, trauma, burns can cause the formation of pigmentation.

  Hormonal konratseptivy increase the skin's sensitivity to UV light!

  Prolonged use of large amounts of carrots, beets, citrus can lead to karotinodermii   - Temporary change of the skin to tan.

  Pigmentation can have various forms and shape, often with a smooth surface and sharp edges. The amount also varies, color spots - from light yellow to dark brown. Most age spots are located symmetrically, usually on the forehead. Young people often spots are located on the upper lip, nose, cheeks. Older people - on the cheeks, the cheeks, the neck. Favourite places - exposed areas of the body: face, back, neck, arms.

  And if it were that simple! After all, a pretty face - especially smooth and healthy skin. As if we did not hide skin imperfections (including age spots) foundation and the right to choose makeup, they attract attention and the old face. And the image of dark spots more often in women ...
Author: Valery Maslov