Now on the market there is quite a large number of different products for the eyebrows: pencils, waxes, gels, powders, powder shadow kits with stencils ... Which one is yours? But it might be worth to buy everything at once?
1. Pencil.
Perhaps the most popular make-up eyebrows. But he is also the most difficult to use. It touches may seem too harsh, is not realistic. To avoid this, it is always better to choose a lighter shade of the pencil, the darker. Darken the eyebrows, you always have time. Draw eyebrow pencil should be sharp strokes that require hardness hands and practice.
Well, if you buy a special eyebrow pencil. As a rule, it is supplied with a small brush, comb to style your hair after coloring. But if this is not a comb, then it is possible to adapt a clean brush of mascara used. The most versatile shade eyebrow pencil - brown, sepia, gray-brown.

2. Shadow eyebrows.
Despite the fact that many do not trust the powder means eyebrow makeup artists advise beginners to use that shadow. They have only one danger - if you overdo it, then eyebrows will look hard. But a lot of pluses. Firstly, it is a natural matte finish. Secondly, the durability. The third advantage - as eye shadow eyebrows you can use regular eyeshadow desired shade.
Powder products for the eyebrows are often found in sets of makeup eyebrows or palettes for the eyes. If you have a set of eye makeup, then it probably has a wax eyebrows. After applying the shadow on the brow should tame unruly hair wax and tweezers to remove excess hair. It should be said about another dignity shadow eyebrows - is a budget option, especially if you do not buy the special products for the eyebrows, and the use of mosaic with eyeshadow.

3. eyebrow stencils.
They say it is the best option for beginners. But it should be a little practice. Stencils can help create the perfect eyebrow arch. They just put in the right place and paint the interior of the alleged shadow eyebrow eyebrow. You can then proceed to remove hairs that are distracting from the overall circuit.
However, there are also disadvantages. We all are unique and very hard to find a pattern that fits each individual woman. We'll have to be smart to place the stencil so that eyebrows looked impressively. And yet, the template can be called a good learning tool. It gives an idea of what should be the shape of the eyebrows. In addition, as a rule, the stencils are sold in sets, and there appears to be several varieties from which to choose. The kits with stencils have shadows eyebrow brush or applicator, a mirror and a detailed instruction. Price set at first glance may seem high, but the set is worth it. In addition, these kits are easy to travel.

4. Combination of multiple funds.
This is the most sensible thing we can advise. Especially if you are familiar with the problem of lack of self-arch eyebrows, as well as rare hairs on the eyebrows.
In order to expand the eyebrow and make the "arch" need eyebrow pencil and eyebrow gel. Pencil should fall into the color of their own eyebrows as accurately as possible. A gel will help give the desired shape brows, put the hair and tame unruly.
Step 1.
First, determine where it will be the highest point of eyebrows. The most harmonious eyebrow will look if you mentally divide the length of the eyebrows into 4 parts, and determine the highest point on record 1/4 of the outer edge of the eyebrow.
Step 2.
You must now decide when to begin the expansion of the eyebrows. To do this, mentally separated from the inner corner of the eye at 1/3.

Paint strokes sharp space missing eyebrows. If it turns too sharp a result, it is possible to soften the strokes with a cotton swab.

Step 4.
Comb your eyebrows in the direction they grow, that is, to the side and up. Do it with a brush soaked gel for eyebrows.

Basic tips for choosing funds for the eyebrows:
- Always choose a pencil or brow shadow with a matte finish. Shimmering eyebrows rarely look attractive.
- Avoid black shades products for eyebrows, even if you have black eyebrows. It is better to pay attention to dark brown color.
- Pick up the tone of the color of your natural brows. Not dark!
- The edges of the eyebrows can be made more accurate by a soft creamy funds.
- If raschesochka eyebrow can not cope with unruly hair, you should buy a drug such as gel eyebrows. Gels are clear or slightly tinted.