What is buzzing our feet
 Every third man and every other woman suffering from the feeling of heaviness in the legs. Feet aching, "buzz", "numb" swell their "driving", "mozzhit" - epithets are many! And, maybe it legs "scream" for help? It is often very different and sometimes serious illness starts with the feet. How far you can go on foot if you do not listen to these signals «sos»?

The whole truth about the legs

Heavy legs may indicate the development of serious diseases in the body. Often the disease is still not time, as the "show" itself, and the legs have strongly call for help. This is precisely the moment when early diagnosis increases the chances of recovery of the body's internal resources. But why exactly legs may be the barometer of well-being in the body?

Legs are experiencing perhaps the greatest load in the body, maintaining throughout the day the whole mass of the body, which is often excessive. In a normal working day a person makes about 6000-8000 steps, and therefore, in my life several times walking bypasses the Earth!

Throughout the evolution of human bipedalism have to pay for many diseases. After the stagnation of blood and swelling associated with the fact that the liquid (blood, lymph) can not without help overcome gravity and rise up to the heart. Therefore, veins and lymphatic vessels must work to decline, and in doing so, they actively help the muscles. And what prevents? This sedentary lifestyle, wearing tight clothing and footwear, prolonged standing on his feet, and, of course, overweight.

Furthermore, the whole body is so feet "unlucky", they are furthest from the heart. And, if there is an unfortunate situation, but, put simply, heart failure, it is easy to guess which part of the body will suffer in the first place!

When the ground was slipping from under his feet

Most foot pain is a manifestation of disease arteries or veins of the lower extremities (illness "inflow" and "outflow"), but there are also the cause of the disease of the spine, nervous system and metabolism. Pain may occur in lesions of bones and joints, muscles and tendons, lymph nodes and vessels.

This dangerous disease like diabetes often begins with pain in the legs. And only then identified and elevated levels of blood sugar and other manifestations of diabetes. In the early legs hurt, there are muscle cramps, weakness in the legs, dry skin. But not far away and terrible complication - "diabetic foot". But in severe cases, this pathology can lead to amputation of the lower limb.

Feet swollen, the skin on the feet becomes dry, irritated, constantly itches and flakes. Sometimes that bothers pain in the calf muscles, cramps, especially at night. Often legs "numb", are cold, there are so-called paresthesia - abnormal sensations associated with damage to the nerve endings. It may be a feeling of "pins and needles", tingling, tingling, etc. The more vertical load during the day, the more pronounced the painful manifestations in the evening. But the pain can be constant and independent of the time of day. It so happens that pain, having already become a familiar companion of life, suddenly changes its character. Acute pain in his leg raises suspicions about vascular accident while developing a large blockage of the artery. In this case, the presence of only a few hours, during which time there is a chance to save power and devoid of oxygen leg.

Take more feet in your hands!

 What is buzzing our feet
 Traditional medicine is replete with tips, which are mainly aimed at reducing swelling and improving the nutrition of the skin of feet. Unfortunately, in most cases, it helps only at the initial stages of the disease. But the early manifestations of the disease - is "golden" time for its timely, correct and full treatment. How sad that almost 95% of that time is lost!

Before you try out the new foot cream, you must ask yourself: "Is not it time to a specialist? "After all, the earlier launched a survey and established the true cause" heavy "legs, the more chances to quickly begin treatment of the underlying disease and prevent these serious complications.

The "heavy legs syndrome" - a comprehensive examination that takes into account all possible causes of the disease. In addition to studies of internal organs and laboratory tests shall be required ultrasound scan of the arteries and veins of the lower extremities. In this study, the doctor can identify atherosclerotic lesions of arteries, to determine the degree of narrowing of the lumen of the vessel, to identify areas of "blockage" of the arteries. Angioscanning allows you to visualize the veins (superficial and deep) throughout their length, to determine the degree of "blockage" vein, reveal the presence of such severe complications thrombophlebitis as "flottiruyuschy thrombosis," in which a high probability of detachment of the thrombus with the development of pulmonary embolism.

A study of the endocrine system responsible for regulating calcium levels. After all, the lack of calcium in the blood is compensated by the bones and teeth, which can lead to severe osteoporosis, cramps, pain in muscles and joints. You must also ultrasound of the pelvic organs (uterus, ovaries) and prostate (in men). US eliminates diseases of these organs, because they can lead to an increase in compression of large vessels responsible for blood circulation of the lower limbs. A blood test for nonspecific inflammatory factors will help the doctor identify the presence of inflammation in the veins (phlebitis) or arteries (arteritis).

Reset severity feet!

Treatment in each case is adjusted individually with  What is buzzing our feet
   Given the underlying disease, the age, "time" of the disease and other factors. There are ways of treatment, allowing the patient's legs to put on even in advanced, advanced stages of the disease!

However, we must remember that even the best doctors and the most quality care leads to success only when the patient is interested in the speedy deliverance from disease. And for this it is necessary to observe a few simple rules that relate to change their traditional way of life.

You should avoid strenuous exercise, heavy lifting, not to sit "foot to foot" and too low chairs, not to use hormonal contraceptives. It is better to abandon the thermal overload (bath, sauna, tanning under the open sun), impractical footwear (heel more than 6 cm). Do not get involved in a massage, especially cellulite. Improper vigorous foot massage can trigger the progression of the disease and even cause thrombosis.

Watch out for meals: Eat as many fruits and vegetables, watch your weight, because extra weight - a proven risk factor for venous insufficiency. It is useful to keep the mobile lifestyle, aerobics and fitness, particularly useful swimming, hiking, biking. Use a cool shower on his feet in the evening.

Legs - our great toiler! To his feet rarely reminded of themselves, most often it is necessary to think about them. We will take care of them and they do not remain in debt, because healthy feet - not a privilege of youth - a measure of a decent quality of life.

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