New Year - this is a truly magical holiday. On the night of December 31, January 1, miracles happen. The world is changing. Fairy-tale characters roam the streets of the cities, and there are gifts themselves under the Christmas tree. Whatever you may say, but New Year - the most long-awaited holiday for the little ones. They are diligently preparing for it: write letters to Santa Claus, teach rhymes for greeting friends and acquaintances, as well as choose the dresses and suits for the holiday. Christmas image - is very important for children. Leading experts recommend not limited to OleHaus bright costumes. The perfect complement to a holiday, and it will be themed manicure.

Snow patterns
What kind of New Year without snow? Without sculpting snowmen and skating on an ice hill? It is these nuances make this celebration truly magical. Besides, kids are so fond of looking at patterns of falling snowflakes. To create a festive mood of your baby, you can decorate it handles manicure "Snow patterns". This amazing nail-art certainly have appealed to him. Snowflakes on the tips of his fingers will be the focus of friends and acquaintances.
1. We cover the nails with a thin layer of basecoat (Stickey).
2. Next, cover nails with two layers of blue lacquer (# 346 Hot Pop Blue from CND).
3. a fine brush for design with a short nap white paint, water-based paint snowflakes.
4. After that, cover the design of the upper lustrous finish (Super Shiney by CND). Until the coating has dried, spread it with rhinestones. The finished design again covers the upper lustrous finish.

Rowan in the snow
With snowy winters may attract the attention of kids more than the berries of mountain ash, covered with snowflakes. White silk with a red background fascinates even toddlers. We offer complete this attractive still life and a baby marigolds. Red berries and snow sparkles on the free edge will be the perfect gift for them, and shining crystals at the base of the nails give nail-Artoo festive sparkle. Certainly, nail design "Rowan in the snow" will be a wonderful decoration for the Christmas image of a young lady.
1. We cover the nails with a thin layer of basecoat (Stickey).
2. Next, cover nails with two layers of red paint (# 193 on the Company Red CND).
3. a fine brush for design with a short nap white paint, water-based paint free edge, as well as sparks extending from it.
4. After that, cover the design of the upper lustrous finish (Super Shiney by CND). Until the coating has dried, spread it with rhinestones. The finished design again covers the upper lustrous finish.

Christmas Toys
Toys, sweet treats - this is the most welcome gifts for kids in the New Year holidays. But they are not necessarily the full amount of hiding under the Christmas tree. Many of them will be great to watch and enjoy your daughter and marigolds. Nail Design "Christmas Toys" can be quite varied. Here is an example of one of the most striking options.
1. We cover the nails with a thin layer of basecoat (Stickey).
2. Next, cover nails with two layers of varnish flickering (# 361 Silicon Smile from CND).
3. a fine brush for design with a short nap black paint, water-based paint outlines penguin. Then, the same paint brush paint over its water based white color.
4. After that, a thin brush for design in black paint, water-based paint wings, and red beak and draws penguin hat.
5. After this, a special brush for bitmaps Dots water based paints of different colors balls to carry out all the nails.
6. Ready design covers the upper lustrous finish (Super Shiney by CND).

Christmas decorations
Undoubtedly, the preparation for the New Year holidays each child is associated with Christmas tree ornaments. Every year the kids are looking forward to this moment, and when the parents finally get a toy out of cabinets, all children's attention was immediately directed to their range. Company specialists OleHaus know children's love of Christmas toys and offer kids decorate the nails for a meeting of the new year the most beautiful balls.
1. We cover the nails with a thin layer of basecoat (Stickey).
2. Next, cover nails with two layers of a light yellow varnish (# 402 Kumquat Dahlia by CND).
3. paints of different colors paint balls on all the marigolds.
4. Then, a thin brush for design with a short nap white and gold acrylic paint draws reflections on toys and a black water-based paint with the same brush draws loops.
5. Ready-made design covers the upper lustrous finish (Super Shiney by CND).
Fair you holiday!
Author: Lyudmila Lavrushina