Tidy up body and soul to cheer up or, conversely, to plunge into the world of serenity spa-massage can help. Today, there are more than a hundred of their names. What is the massage you choose?
For the first time began to practice massage techniques even 10 centuries BC. Since then, much water has flowed. Every day experience masseurs becoming richer and more significant. They learned how to cure diseases and a woman to return youth and beauty. Today, we can take advantage of the best operating time healers of body and soul. Discover new techniques or surrender to feelings of classical massage - it will bring you a lot of positive changes and positive emotions.
The aroma of temptation
Aromatherapy - many pleasant associations connected with that word! The sweet aroma of love, enhances sexual aphrodisiac, soothing herbal bouquets. The choice of oils, the main components of a spa massage is very large, but varies only two categories - essential and vegetable. What distinguishes the former from the latter? - The molecules of essential oils are very small, their size allows them a few moments to penetrate the skin, providing a powerful positive effect on the entire body. Vegetable oils are most of the action locally.
Select oil in action you need right now. Oil rosewood, bergamot, lemon - invigorates and tones; oil of rose, ylang-ylang and jasmine - aphrodisiacs; lavender, orange, lemon balm - soothes, relieves stress. In addition to the general operation of oil can solve cosmetic problems - reduce wrinkles, increase skin elasticity, increase vitality, eliminate the "orange peel". The effect of the massage, you will see immediately after the first treatment, but for best results you need to go through the entire course - 10-15 procedures.

Stone massage, during which the used stones of volcanic rocks - one of the favorite treats many women. This relaxing massage is based on the direct impact on the energy points. Often massage technique involves alternating hot and cold stones. Masseur arranges them in a certain order, massages point moves rocks from place to place. This massage - perfect relaxing treatment, it will calm the nerves "on edge" and will return joy of life.
Special mention deserves a rejuvenating facial massage with precious stones. This truly piece of work - a luxury which operates simultaneously on several fronts - psychological and physical. Woman to experience all the delights of this technique in front of younger. Jewelry always bring joy to women, so the effect is stunning.
Ancient Greece
The soft touch of the masseur with olive oil - a great way to relax at the same time providing comprehensive skin care. Nourishing oil will give your skin the vitamins and nutrients, moisturize it, saving from dehydration, tones and make it more elastic. Masseur very delicately before breaking your muscles and joints, without leaving their actions soreness. According to the myths of ancient Greece a hot fan of this type of massage was the Goddess of beauty, Aphrodite.
Especially useful Greek olive massage for women who want to lose weight and move in that direction. Olive oil is excellent prevents stretch marks - frequent companions dropped kilograms.

Honey tale
Tibetan honey massage - this is not as much fun as a way to solve delicate problems of women - eliminate cellulite, reduce body fat, have a bracing effect on the body. Master strike honey massage on your body, and then worked for almost all groups of muscles and problem areas.
The result of the procedure would be a great mood, and potentially beautiful elastic skin. In addition, this type of massage helps to eliminate toxins, improve blood and lymph circulation, enhance immunity.
Whispering grass
Today, at the peak of popularity of cosmetics hand made, organic passion and complete unity with nature. Environmental lifestyle has already become synonymous with good health. Massage with herbal pouches - a tribute to this trend. Lavender, geranium, ginger, sage, turmeric, lime, rosemary and other useful plants, dried and placed in special bags, heated massage therapist, and then used for other purposes. Effects of herbal leaves the skin soft and velvety. Massage has beneficial effects on the muscles and joints, it helps get rid of the swelling, relieves tension and favored getting rid of nagging pains.
An added bonus would be an absolute pleasant relaxation during and after the procedure, elation strength and high spirits.
Be healthy! Choose your massage!
Author: Natalia Bartukova