I think all readers know the feeling when the stomach flutters million butterflies. These feelings arise when you go on a date. It does not matter, for the first time or have you been together a long time. Every time I want to look stunning. It's summer - time to love and be loved, flirting and walks under the moonlight. Therefore, for a long time so that you can attract attention, here are some tips and ideas.
You can be anything: a romantic, mysterious, fatal. Select only you that is closer to you in the spirit, or what impression you want to make. And we will help bring your ideas to life.
Romantic makeup.
Great for walks under the moon, going to the restaurant, dinner by candlelight. The basis of this makeup is perfectly smooth and radiant skin. Like the heroines of melodramas. To do this, apply foundation with a brush and sponge. Mask dark circles using a concealer.
Then apply cream shine on cheekbones, temples, nose. So you make your face radiant and highlight its outline. To create a romantic take makeup pink blush and apply them according to your type of person.
Apply not crisp bright shade (pink, blue, purple) for ever. Eyeliner you do not need. It is better to take the colored ink. It will perfectly complement your image. Finally, apply lip gloss, natural color.

Sexy makeup.
If you want to stay sexy cat, then try this version. So, apply a tonal basis only to hide the flaws. Then sprinkle the face with mineral water. Then take a fluorescent powder and a big fluffy brush. Apply to cheeks and temples. Then apply a little blush to add some color.
Apply lipstick of bright color. Best using fingers or brushes. Just remember that the shade should fit you. If your lips are not very plump, apply a little lip gloss on the center of the lips. So how do bright lips, then to select a calmer eye makeup. Use shades of natural color and apply two coats of mascara.
If you want to give yourself the mystery, do make-up

Hair-style sexy.
Most men like to be on a first date with a girl comes to her hair, especially if they shine health. Do not believe it, but the male prefers natural, even if its creation was gone a lot of time, effort and sometimes money.
To make sure your image has been such, but would like to be sexy, take a curling hair (thickness depends on the length of your hair). Divide hair into several parts. Screw locks, while they are hot and attach them to the Velcro rollers. Leave for 20 minutes. Then remove. Walk on the curls with your fingers. You can use the serum for the hair to give it extra shine.
Stylish fleece.
Apply mousse to damp hair to give volume. Dry your hair with a hair dryer and a round brush. Pay particular attention to the hair growing in the middle of the forehead. Since the lock will then stick back using stealth. Then kill the hair on the sides. Sprinkle all the varnish.
Perhaps this is the most painful issue. We are ready to re-measure the entire wardrobe revolves around the mirror for hours. Is it worth it? After all, you already go out on a date, so your goal is now not to spoil everything. Therefore, choosing a dress, follow the general rules:
- You should be comfortable. Choose such clothes, which do not have to think all the date.
- Consider the place you go. If you do not know if your outfit has to be transformed and well look in any environment.
Try to dress so that your clothes match the taste and appearance of your companion.
- Shoes should be comfortable. Who knows, maybe you'll be a long walk under the sun, or dance the night away.
- Do not rush to extremes. Do not wear anything too formal or too sexy.
- If you want to have sex, use to achieve their goals makeup and hair. You should not wear clothing with a neckline or too short skirt. You should not seem too available.
- Do not overdo the accessories, prints and labels. A man may feel unable to pay your every whim. Therefore, your clothes should be concise, and it is not necessary to give a brief description of what you are wearing. In addition, do not abuse too bright colors.
- It is not necessary to go to the store and buy something new. It is better to put what has been time-tested.
You may have noticed, so be more improved version of themselves. You should not look like a doll, in a bad sense of the word. So try to make your image was harmonious and balanced.