"Being a sensible man can be, and think about the beauty of nails ..."
AS Pushkin's "Eugene Onegin"
We all know that it is the hands give our occupation, social status, and bad habits, unfortunately, age. We all know that the hands, including nails - it is our business card, so they should be as close to the ideal. However, in the frantic pace of life is not always enough time for a thorough grooming. We kept postponing a hike to the salon because of fatigue, the meeting in the school report, which urgently need to finish. However, many useful procedures can be done by and at home. Regularly take care of your hands, and they repay you groomed skin and nail strength. We share with you the little secrets flawless manicure.
Professional advice on nail care homes
Nail care
- For a layer of polish to do oil bath. 1-2 times a week should be applied to the hands of the olive oil, put on cotton gloves on top. This "mask" is left as much as possible for the whole night.
- Rub the mixture into the nail of any vegetable oil with red pepper or just cranberry juice or cranberry oil, previously smeared Vaseline cuticle. This should be done two times a week for 5 minutes.
- Recommended after each wash hands move nail skin with a towel.
- As corny as it sounds, at home jobs, use gloves.
- Do not use metal nail files, nail file can stratify such nails. Purchase a ceramic or glass nail file.
- Most saws rough surface is used only for sawing; average surface texture - to remove calloused areas and scars on the surface of the nail (not more than once a month); polisher areas with the most soft texture are used to remove the smallest scars and to give luster to nails. Both procedures are performed in the direction of motion from the edge to the center.
- The free edge of the nail should be at least 1, 5 mm.
- Before treating the nails, they should be thoroughly dry. Sawing can damage the wet nails.
Process manicure
- In order to remove the cuticle, put on her special liquid or gel, which softens the skin around the nail and will prevent its further growth. Then stick an orange tree gently slide the skin around the nail back.
- To remove burrs need good hands in warm steam bath with a teaspoon of sea salt and then wipe them dry with a towel. Special tweezers for removing burrs, which have triangular tips, be careful "bite" burr, positioning tweezers almost perpendicular to the skin.
- You can achieve gloss polish - simply rubbing them with a piece of soft suede.
Correction of nails
- The oval shape fits all nails and visually lengthens fingers.
- The square is decorated with nails only long and slender fingers. In other cases, the best fit classic oval shape.
- If the nails are narrow, it is not necessary to varnish the hole at the base of the nail, then it seems wider.
- If short square nails dark varnish applied to the middle of the nail, no painting over the side edges, the nails look longer.
- Bright and pearlescent paints visually reduce too long nails. But at the same time they emphasize grooves and bumps in the nails.
 - For in the varnish do not appear bubbles, which can spoil the manicure, do not shake the bottle. Turn it and rub between your palms.
- First a varnish-base - thanks to him the main color will be more deep and regular. It should be dry for a few minutes.
- Colored lacquer, usually applied in two layers. The first swab is done in the center. Brush should bring closer to the middle of the nail to the cuticle and not to avoid getting varnish on it. The next two smears are made closer to the side edges of the nail plate.
Diet for nails
For the health of nails needed, so that the body is getting enough vitamins (A, E, C, D, B vitamins) as well as iron and calcium.
Nail care - it's a heavy daily work, which is a great pleasure in achieving sleek skin flawless shape and shine nail decorating your fingers.