Most of stylistic trends in make-up, which we encounter today, is based on images of 60-70s. Smoky eyes and bright shades completely describe this era, and, thanks to modern possibilities, we can create even more sexy, sultry, seductive makeup that has ever existed.
• Apply a clear base all over the face to add your skin glow. Mask any shortcomings around the eyes and nose.
 • Take a generous amount of translucent powder and apply an extra layer in the area under the eyes to protect them from the shadows of fallen particles. So in this case any crumbs you can easily shake off without causing damage to the entire makeup.
 • Apply a cream or white crisp shadow on the entire eyelid to brow, focusing on the area just under the arch of the eyebrows.
 • Slowly and carefully apply a dark gray, plum or black shadow on the eyelid and gently flatten to do but clear boundary. Very often in such situations are more suitable shade in pencil.
 • Apply a shadow on the lower eyelid, close to the level of growth of eyelashes, and blend using sponzhikom or brush toward the outer and inner corners of the eyes.
 • Apply a thick line of liquid liner on the upper eyelid and extend it toward the outer corner of the eye, as if drawing the wing. Very often, in order to visually enlarge the eyes, use a liquid liner or a conventional black eyeliner, prorisovyvaya inner corner and lower eyelids.
 • Apply mascara on upper and lower lashes, and for added effect, tighten them. Perfect look can be achieved by using false eyelashes. For more expressive results, use mascara with shiny particles.
 • Take the cream blush pink or bronze shade and apply them on the apples of cheeks, shading along the cheekbones.
 • To complete the image choose a lipstick that will complement the color palette, which sustained your makeup. Add a little sparkle to your sexuality and sparks image.
