Proper nutrition - the key to health and beauty
 So it was time to short skirts and tight T-shirts, ... but only for those who managed to get in shape, or rather, supported her throughout the long winter months. If you have a completely different situation, and you let yourself be "a little" too much - as a result of unnecessary kilograms spoil not only figure, but also the mood. Then it's time to take emergency measures.

It is a terrible word DIET. I propose to immediately replace it with a more pleasing to the ear and the body - proper nutrition. What does it mean? And that means it's time to throw out of the refrigerator all that though somehow able to spoil our mood for the perfect figure. Down with all the sweet, flour and fat! Now is the time to move to something light, but no less delicious. Before we begin the difficult path towards the ideal figure we just need to iron motivation It can be a beautiful thing to a smaller size and, for example, a picture where you look just like a goddess descended from Olympus. If you can not find a suitable image, print a photo of a beautiful model that you like, and fasten it in the most prominent place, preferably on the refrigerator. Also can serve as a great motivation the desire to lose a specific amount of kilograms, let it be a small figure, such a result will come, and the desire to stick to a healthy diet will be. Quick results motivate to new feats!

 Proper nutrition - the key to health and beauty

So the motivation for ourselves, now it is necessary to score the refrigerator only useful and necessary for our body products. To do this, perfectly suited fruits, vegetables, fish, meat, dairy products, as well as the need to stock up on nuts.

We make diet.
For convenience, I will offer several options for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

 Proper nutrition - the key to health and beauty
   1. Savory oatmeal and a slice of cheese.
2. Low-fat yogurt, fresh fruit, half a cup of juice.
3. fresh vegetables, lean meats.
4. cheese, half a cup of juice, a slice of bread.

1. Vegetable salad, one boiled egg, a slice of bread and a cup of yogurt.
2. Vegetable salad, a slice of ham, green tea without sugar.
3. A piece of boiled meat, a small portion of low-fat cottage cheese, 2 apples.
4. boiled egg, a slice of cheese, green tea without sugar.

1. Vegetable salad with vegetable oil, lean meat with a side dish.
2. A piece of boiled fish without salt, meat or poultry, vegetable salad with vegetable oil.
3. Soup of vegetables, half a grapefruit, a glass of skim milk.
4. Spinach salad, a slice of turkey, mandarin glass of skim milk.

Afternoon snack
1. Only the fruit.
2. Half a cup of dried fruit and a quarter cup of nuts.
3. Boiled egg.
4. Low-calorie yogurt.

 Proper nutrition - the key to health and beauty
 1. Fish fillet, asparagus, peach, a glass of skim milk.
2. A piece of boiled meat, spinach, pear, a glass of skim milk.
3. Chicken with rice, a glass of skim milk.
4. 2 hard-boiled eggs, salad of raw carrots with vegetable oil.

Before bedtime   a cup of yogurt.

In the fight against obesity is not all good. Indulge in proteins, fats and carbohydrates, pace yourself unnecessary starvation. Only when we learn to eat right, then our body will work correctly, and therefore, we are healthy not only inside but also outside.

You also need to remember that even a proper diet will not make our figure the ideal, so our body just needed exercise. Play sports, go to the fitness center is not given to everyone. Someone no time, someone wishes, each of us will find their own reasons, but, nevertheless, 15 minutes a day should be given to physical exercise. Even standing in line at the store, you can perform some simple movements to strengthen the buttocks. It's enough to just stretch and relax muscles. Similarly, the abdominal muscles - strained, relaxed. It is also perfectly suited walks, especially when it's such a great weather. In general, spend every minute with the use!
Author: MIRovaya