Some myths about diets
 Misconceptions about diet and nutrition appear almost constantly. Not a week goes by without the announcement of new research showing that one of our favorite foods suddenly write once "black" list. We also decided to fill piggy bank "discoveries" by revealing some of the myths about diet and nutrition.

Myth 1. Coffee dehydrates the body.
In fact.
  It has been proven that coffee has no diuretic effect in people who drink it regularly. And the benefit is. In particular, coffee increases the level of antioxidants.

 Some myths about diets

Myth 2. Margarine harms the heart.
In fact.
  This was true until recently, when the composition of margarine products was saturated with trans fats, which are certainly harmful for the heart. Only now, this statement can already be attributed to errors. Because the companies that make margarine, changed the composition of products. Now everything, even budget brands are margarines on the market, filled with beneficial fats. Check the label and make sure that when buying a product. (But still yet to be trusted only to trusted brands!)

 Some myths about diets

Myth 3. Especially harmful to eat after six in the evening.
In fact.
  This is one of the most widespread myths from losing weight. At least, it is certainly not bad, if you satisfy the hunger. This can lead to overweight, if you uncontrollably absorb the calories, but it is harmful at any time of the day. More argument is often cited as a follow-up study. Conducted experiments on monkeys. One group was given 94% of calories after nine o'clock, another group was given only 6% of calories after 9pm. As a result, both groups explored weighed equally.

 Some myths about diets

Myth 4. Eggs raise cholesterol levels.
In fact.
This myth has been refuted by many studies a long time ago, but for some reason, some people still continue to believe in it. In fact, eggs can be a great start to the day. They are energized, which is slowly spent, and so long you feel saturated. But cholesterol is not affected.

 Some myths about diets

Myth 5. It is useful to add vinegar to salads.
In fact.
  Despite the fact that vinegar contains no fat and malokalorien, recent studies show that it - not a good dressing for salads. Butter and cheese - that products that help in digestion and absorption of key ingredients salads. So refuel salad with vegetable oil safely, it does figure does not hurt, only help to process and digest a salad.

 Some myths about diets

Myth 6. You should drink eight glasses of water a day
In fact.
  Research showed that eight glasses of water a day will not lead to a better detoxification. Also not seen any improvement to health. Because everything is very individual. And how do you know how many actually need to drink water a day to moisturize skin and significantly, and the organism as a whole? There is such advice. Watch for his urine. If it is pale yellow, then liquid is enough for you. Strive for a more pale color of urine (and this can be achieved by increasing the amount you drink), then your body will feel good.

 Some myths about diets

Myth 7. If there is little and often, it is possible to reduce the weight.
In fact.
  This is not at all "works". Most experts disagrees with the opinion of the authors of glossy magazines, there should be more and more slowly. Everything is better - to monitor the level of caloric intake and reduce the size of servings. In addition, it is believed that those who eat little and often, after some stunting weight comes to weight gain. This is because they are often gradually increase the size of portions.

 Some myths about diets

Myth 8. Black bread is better White
In fact.
  If black bread does not contain bran, then the rest he is no different from white. That is, it is not a very useful flour products like white bread. Bread should be selected not by color but by presence in it of whole grains, such a product - the most healthy.

 Some myths about diets

Myth 9. Vegetables are best eaten raw
In fact
. In vain it is believed that in the process of preparing vegetables lose many nutrients, vitamins and enzymes. If the cook correctly, the most useful can be saved. Cook vegetables on or cook a couple of not more than 6-7 minutes and it will greatly improve the taste and nutritional value will be saved almost entirely.

 Some myths about diets

Author: Olga Larsen