The nature of each of us is endowed natural beauty, which only need to look at.
Each woman is individual, each is beautiful. We can carefully hide their beauty make-up for mismanagement, bad mood, inappropriate clothing. But nature does not make mistakes, and every one of us, it has awarded its originality. It is only necessary to want to see her.
Ball, sports, fragile figure, long legs, wasp waist, graceful hands, swan-neck, large eyes, thick hair, sensual lips ... It can be a long list.
Fashion may dictate anything - true beauty of women admire its virgin.
That's about it on the net, authentic beauty tells you the best picture. How? See for yourself. Note the smooth lines and alluring appeal of twists. However, the photographer is not a magician. He did not work miracles, he just knows how to see. Browse real female beauty, to reveal it and put into a frame, it is a true professional.
"The human figure - said Goethe, - can not be understood only by means of inspection of the surface: it is necessary to expose its internal structure, divide it into parts, note the connection, to know their characteristics, to study their action and reaction, to learn the hidden , continual basis for the phenomenon to really see and imitate fine indivisible whole, which moves in front of our eyes like a living organism. "

Already in the 14th century BC Ancient Egypt's naked body was the object of admiration and images ("Daughters of Pharaoh Akhenaten").
Since antiquity. Painting, sculpture, vase painting - we always meet the ideal of harmony, aesthetics and beauty - the naked body (Greek statue "Aphrodite of Cnidus" Praxiteles, 3rd century BC, the "Aphrodite of Milos", 2nd century BC)
For almost the whole of the Middle Ages nudity because of opposition from church circles is virtually banned.
Renaissance artists again and already presented in its own, confer the viewer the opportunity to enjoy the grace, sensuality of the female image (picture S. Botticelli, Giorgione, Titian, Leonardo da Vinci).
In the 17th century, is the formation of NU as a genre. Nudity is mandatory in the training of artists and is an indicator of skill.

Significant impact on the work of artists have works of classical art - antique sculptures, Renaissance paintings. Velasquez 'Venus in front of the mirror. " The image of the goddess master reinvents in his own way. It attracts not perfect harmony of proportions and the beauty of living a particular woman.
Nude as art reached our days and appears as a still image. Many photographers have chosen this genre, becoming prisoners of the beauty of the human body, like our ancestors hundreds of years ago.

Art studio "BEAUTY"