Simple tips to achieve perfection.
Let's be honest: we all know at least one woman, whose eyes always shine, body trim, and the mood always optimistic, and envy her. You wonder (sometimes out loud) what is its secret. This is destiny? Good genes? Special diet? Maybe she sticks to healthy habits. Studies have shown that some of the most simple living habits can greatly improve your physical and mental state. Testing new exercises, we collected ten simple ways to become happier and more cheerful - start today!
Pamper yourself
 Women love to spend money on the needs and desires of other people, but to spend time and money on themselves seem overly luxurious. At times, encouraging their needs, you can feel more alive and healthy, which can improve your mood, appearance and prospects. Why not sign up for training, which will help advance your career, or will allow you to analyze their hidden interests? This can be as simple as pamper yourself with a bouquet of fresh flowers every week.
Develop brain muscles
 Nerobiolog Lawrence Katz (Lawrence Katz) at the University of Duke University states that cognitive exercise, called "neyrobika" can activate new brain connections and deal with mental effects of aging. Neyrobika uses all five senses in unexpected ways that strengthen nerve connections and help cells stay young and strong. Make it a habit to take a shower or get dressed in the dark, changing the usual side of the body (for example, to dress watch on the opposite hand) every morning to smell different scents, to prepare unfamiliar foods, such as sushi.
Practice random acts of courage
 Fear - is what stands between you and your courage. We are afraid to shake the boat. We are afraid of a collision. We are afraid to upset someone. We are afraid of losing their jobs. We are afraid to part with her beloved. We are afraid that our children will not love us. We are afraid of what others think of us. Go to the small risks, talk loudly at work or go to the movies alone. It can prepare you for the more daring actions, such as a conversation with your boss about the increase or traveling alone. Practicing random acts of courage, you can reduce fear, improve self-esteem and become happier.
Be in tune with negative emotions
 Many women feel guilty that their mothers homebody, and every word "no" instead of "yes" and so on. If you can not overcome the feeling of guilt, try the following method. Let your guilt 'relax' and how to ask him: "Why are you here? How can I be useful to you? Can you stop (for some amount of time), after which you can re-enter into force." Give yourself room to feel both negative and positive emotions. Watching their feelings instead of reacting to them will help you to calm down and balance.
Find your sporty personality
 Exercises chosen not to your liking, can harm your physical health. If you force yourself to run, ride a bike and swim just because your partner - triathlete, you can bring the body does not benefit, and vice versa. Find your individual kind of employment - the key point to be tightened - and become one of the 60 percent of people who drop out of training, not even half a year having been occupied. You can try different sports, looking for the most suitable to you. Disregard your preconceived ideas ("I'm not good enough to play baseball team"). Instead, focus on fitness and pleasure.
Treat laughter seriously
 Make laughter a part of your habitual exercises, such as lifting hand, activating the physiological system, similar to traditional exercises. Laughter burns calories, increases the level of endorphins (hormones of happiness), reduces stress and strengthens the immune system. Deep laughter can also increase the satisfaction of the work done and a sense of self-esteem, help you overcome the difficulties. Make it a habit to laugh every couple of hours - it can also be useful, for example, an apple eaten daily.
Stop and breathe the smell of lemons
 Tempting aroma of citrus directly affects the variety of neurotransmitters in the brain that can improve mood and enhance immunity. Research Department of Psychiatry University of Ohio State University have found that lemon oil reinforce positive emotions by changing the levels of serotonin and norepinephrine in the brain. The easiest way to turn your favorite lemon or citrus aroma in the daily routine - use aromomasla, candles, bath oils and any other items with a useful smell.
Properly allocate finances
 You should develop a healthy, honest relationship with your money. The way we manage the finances can be judged, how we understand and appreciate themselves. To develop a normal relationship with money, learn the income and expenses of your checkbook, spending reserves, payments on credit accounts, insurance and various family budget. To enhance the sense of control and power, get in the habit to explore a new aspect of your expenses or earnings every month.