We offer you a new issue of a monthly glossy magazine about precious stones, their properties, the interaction energy of minerals and human, as well as the illustrious history of domestic architecture of stone-cutting and the best examples of jewelry - "The color of Moscow."
This month, our regular and new readers - favorite column, new materials and fresh topics:
Alexei Antonov. Ural author's school volumetric mosaic conquers the world.
History in stone.
Malachite beads Grigory Rasputin.
Scandalous and famous.
Russian souvenirs Demis Roussos.
Therapy of the soul and the heart.
Obsidian. Amulets, talismans and fortune teller.
News Now.
Baltic gold. Melody passion.
Stone of the month.
Citrine. Gold fire luxury in the "Gallery of Gems."
Amazonite, it relaxes me!
Health and beauty.
Jade diet minus 12 kg per month. Dill water and jade.
Getting ready for the Year of Blue wooden horse.
How pearls are harvested. Miracles transformations.
Where are born the tears of the sun. Palmniken, which is always like himself.
Ural nuggets. Peter Derbyshev, a jeweler and a Stonemason. Teterka in derbyshevski.
Collector corner.
Rare stones. Simbritsit - Volga antiquity.
The first museum of stone-cutting and jewelry at the Exhibition Centre.
short and useful tips, Feng Shui - men's rules, questions from readers, Dictionary gems, beautiful things with their hands - barrette with pearl beads in vintage style, horoscope for October from Veronica Rivva.

The magazine is distributed by subscription (can be arranged on site
), Specialized in the fashion shows and the network of salons General Partner "Gallery of Gems" (