We all know that the cupboard is full of things, but nothing to wear. And it's not the number of things in the locker room, and in its quality. It is clear that each of us would like to have some extraordinary things, but some of the wardrobe should be a framework that never goes out of fashion.
Proper organization of the wardrobe will help you save on things and always look good.
The basis of your wardrobe
So, let's talk about basic things that should be in a woman's wardrobe:
- Little black dress.
This thing never goes out of fashion. It mutates him something to add, but it always remains at the peak of popularity. It can be compared with the canvas. Depending on what kind of accessories you pick up, every time you create a new image. It can be complemented with scarves, leggings, gloves, brooches, etc. It is slim and fits women with any body shape and any color skin.

- The skirt.
Some stylists argue that it should be a pencil skirt. With this, you can argue, as it does not always sit well. To wear these things need to be tightened ass. Therefore, choose the style of skirt that you like. And a neutral color.

- A white blouse.
This is - a classic. It can also be a variety of forms, but have to be consistency in your style. This blouse looks great with jeans and suits.

- Jeans.
They should be chosen in accordance with your figure and good fit. After all, they can and go out of town and go to the club.
- 2 suit: pants and the skirt.
If you are, then you should have 2 suits. Choose a color and style that appeals to you. Jackets must be perfectly fit the figure.

- Black trousers.
This article of clothing, like jeans should sit well, since they are also relevant in almost any situation.
- Set of T-shirts and turtlenecks basic colors.
Black turtleneck and a T-shirt - brilliant invention. They successfully look on any figure. Suitable beneath everything. Appropriate and in the club, both at home and outdoors. Throw in white and gray. And you get the things that complement your wardrobe.
- Trench.
Without that things do not do to anyone. After all, we still live in a band where most of the time is cool. Therefore, without it will be quite difficult.
- Coats.
In our band without him, too, can not do. When choosing a coat, remember that you have to wear it for at least 3 seasons. Therefore, it must be combined with your wardrobe, and does not irritate eyes. It will be possible, it is better to buy a second, brighter.
 - High-heeled shoes.
Even if you love all the unusual, you have to be some classic black shoes with heels.
- Jewellery.
Buy multiple standing jewelry and will look stunning. In this case, running the rule: "Less is better."
- Good clothes.
Which will support what you need and do not need to hide.
Basic wardrobe - a blank canvas on which to draw each time a new image. To do this, you can use anything that your heart desires. By adding a few times a season fashionable things, sooner or later, you create a wardrobe that does not go out of fashion for a long time. The main thing - with the mind to approach to its creation.
Remember that, despite the seeming simplicity of these things, they have to be a dress. This means that there must be interesting details and unusual textures of fabrics, etc.
Create Style
Each of us is inherent in his own style. Someone who likes the classics, some vintage, someone prefers the romantic style, and there are those who love all at once. If you're still searching, or want to change, then these tips will be useful.
Speaking of "stylish", we usually mean that the person is well dressed. However, many people, including the stars, can be called style icons. Only those who do not seek to emulate, and chooses his own path. These people create a unique image, starting with the hair and makeup, and ending with the ability to combine clothes. Occasionally someone now you can meet with individual style. And if you meet, it is difficult to say that a person is dressed tastefully. Therefore, in the search for the style will have to look at yourself, look at the catwalks and on stars.
Whichever way you choose, remember that you should be comfortable with it. Whether it's the style of the 40s, or the style of Barbie. It should reflect your lifestyle, your interests and your character. The brighter personality, the less you are subject to prejudices and biases, the easier it will be determined.
We can not say how long it will take before you find yourself. For example, Marlene Dietrich recognized style icon, a very long time to find myself. In addition, throughout the life you change more than one way. Now you're a hooligan, a couple of years - a romantic, and after some time become ardent fan of classic or vintage style. So do not be afraid to change.
Through magazines, watching movies, looking at themselves and identify with the style, make up a basic wardrobe. Then simply renews its interesting details. And sooner or later, everyone will turn around, and envy your taste and style.
Create your own unique image and build the wardrobe - not an easy job. But success has not always been an easy matter. So do not lose heart and firmly go in this direction.