Girl, beading, in our times is not uncommon. Almost every second person of the fair sex in adolescence wove itself at least one Fenichka. Well, if not completed, then at least I try to start. Some, however, continue to do his favorite thing in a more conscious age. Weave various handbags, belts and koshelechki. But men and beads - a combination of unusual, fantastic and extraordinary.
Do you know at least one representative of this "endangered" class? Personally, I - no. More precisely, personally I do not know this man, but I know that he certainly is. His sculptures of beads (yes, you heard right!) Are wildly popular.
Meet - Thomas Wegman. Several years ago he and his wife opened their own business by selling sculptures of beads! And immediately became very famous around the world. Although, in fact, they did not open America. Just take the ordinary everyday things and sheathed (and in some places and pasted) with colored beads and beads.
By the way, they do it far from simple beads. So, if you are cheerfully ran to the store for a few bags to repeat the work Wegmann, I hasten to disappoint you. Their business began with a simple drag of Thomas rare African and Mexican beads. A few years later, he apparently decided to go somewhere to adjust their rather large collection. Well do not throw them the same, really?

Having thought up funny slogans and words (and in some cases and additional parts), Thomas and Katie started to sheathe the usual eye, but more in shades of gray, stuff: irons, telephones, toasters, vacuum cleaners ... I personally liked the iron with the inscription: «only ironed half a shirt once », which means:" Only once he stroked half shirts. "
It was almost 10 years ago. After a few years, a hobby is now my husband and his wife, previously indifferent to the beads. Their tandem spawned a lot of beaded masterpieces, and after some time they decided to present them to the court of the general public. It happened on the show Smithson Craft in Washington.
Each sculpture married couple spends at least 450 unique beads. But things turn out unique and a lot of standing. In many ways, this contributes to the use of various precious stones. Multi-colored shoes, for example, can be purchased for 2000 of $ 800, and boots is not less than 4!
In every thing is guessed that a creator. Kate, for example, has a weakness for handbags and sandals, and Volume - to sneakers and toy airplanes. However, fans Wegmann this question is of little interest. Most of all, many of their fans tormented others: that will be the basis for the next sculpture?
