During the Oscars all the stars under the tireless and meticulous observation of not only fans, but also the whole army of stylists who notice the smallest details in the form of celebrity. Some of these "chips" cause and gain the approval of the status of these new trends in fashion and make-up, while others are merely a pretext for ridicule. Let's see what kind of star "chips" can take him into service to be the most fashionable in this season.
White Shadows
Kate Moss and star of French film "Taxi" Marion Cotillard chose as a fashion hit white eye makeup that makes them more expressive and underlines all of their color: blue, green, brown, black. White shade (matte or pearl - your choice) is applied to all of the upper eyelid and shade almost to his eyebrows. A more intense should be applied over the inner corner of the eye. To emphasize the shape of the eyes, apply black mascara on the lashes, while the rest of the make-up should be transparent and natural. Lip gloss is more suitable natural tones.

Bright manicure
It is an indispensable component of the fashion image of the season: bright yellow, poisonous green, purple, ultramarine, golden orange - will allow almost any freedom in the choice of colors. The only condition is to be compatibility with all manner of causing manicure. Especially good paints bright colors look great on short nails square shape. On long these colors will look mediocre or vulgar. In favor of this trend in favor Keira Knightley and singer Rihanna. Last dares to such a manicure with an evening dress, and daily output.

Romantic hairstyle
Very feminine romantic hairstyle obtained by weaving the two side braids, which are connected behind and moving to hairpiece, like criss-crossing it. For this hairstyle hair parted in the middle should be divided, and then again divided into four parts. Two side braid pigtails, and a two-part behind the head to form a low chignon. The switches must be connected to the back and how to braid it. Hairstyle should be a good fix studs and top with lacquer. This form like many stars, it is convenient, practical (especially in the summer, in the heat) and makes the image softer, more feminine. Quite often choose this hairstyle Jessica Alba, Sarah Michelle Gellar, and Sienna Miller.

Natural make-up lips
Choosing the softness and natural makeup, stars often look much younger. So, Keira Knightley and Jessica Simpson have chosen a shade of pastel colors and almost transparent lip makeup as the hit of the season. To repeat the stellar "chip", take the transparent or slightly pearly pink lipstick. Draw the outline with a pencil, which is virtually the same as the tone of your lips, lightly powder the lips. Apply lipstick, making it the main focus on the central part thereof. This image is suitable romantic nature, as well as owners of the same thin lips, like Keira Knightley.

Direct and shiny hair
Straight shiny hair and celebrate their return, ringlets and curls sidelined. The main "trick" - the hair should not simply sparkle and shine, to have a real glossy look. To achieve this effect, use two means: cosmetic milk for straightening and polishing serum. Thus, you will achieve straight and ultra-shiny hair, and give them extra food. Apply these tools to damp hair, then dry warm but not hot air, using the average temperature of the dryer. This hairstyle is more suitable owners of a round or square face shape. Do not use those with an elongated, oval-shaped face. Direct and shiny hair - a favorite hairstyle, Demi Moore, Sarah-Jessica Parker, Beyonce.

Matte red lips
Another trend in make-up lips - red, but this season he must necessarily be dull. This bright lipstick is more suitable for evening out and clothes black or white. Before using, apply lipstick on her lips a small amount of the liquid powder. Then - a lipstick using a fine brush and give lips perfect shape. Red lipstick is more suited to those who can boast of even and white teeth as she too draws attention to them. Bright red lipstick loves Gwen Stefani, but other stars also do not refuse to use it. It is particularly interesting that the color looks in combination with the trapeze dress-style of the thirties and strict chignon. All this together creates a more artsy, but a very classy look.

Scarf on the hair - it always echoes of Gypsy, pirated or Creole style. It looks equally well on both long and short hair. This stellar "trick" is ideal for a hike to the beach, since, along with a stylish appearance, you also get a perfect protection of the hair from the aggressive action of the sun. Nicole Richie and Lindsay Lohan often used handkerchief, because it gives the appearance of a bohemian style.
