Clay blue-blooded
 Blue clay - a unique natural eco-friendly cosmetic.

Blue Cambrian clay, or - it's environmentally friendly minerals, which due to the special physical and chemical structure glinoobrazuyuschih minerals born in the bowels of the earth 500-600 million years ago, has unique properties. For this reason, the blue clay is a highly means of healing and is widely used for medicinal purposes in many countries.

Chemical composition

Cambrian clay contains various mineral salts and trace elements: silicon, iron, nitrogen, calcium, magnesium, potassium, aluminum, radium, and so on. G., With a very well absorbed by the human body shape.

The most important part of Cambrian clay is silicon. Organic forms on clay masses, structured with silicon unique biocatalysts is stimulating the regeneration and renewal of tissues.

Interesting!   Lack of silicon in the tissues, or violation of its exchange directly related to the problem of the aging body.

Properties of blue clay
  • Clay has adsorbent properties. It absorbs liquid and gaseous toxins, odors, gases, kills harmful microbes. Clay mass saturates skin necessary for its normal functioning minerals.

  • Clay is an excellent anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent activate blood circulation and strengthens the processes of cellular metabolism.

  • Clay wrinkles, combats stretch marks after pregnancy has anti-cellulite and anti-stress effect.

 Clay blue-blooded
 Clay procedures

Blue clay, as already mentioned, in its structure contains almost all necessary for skin and trace minerals. Thanks to this unique composition of Cambrian clay cosmetologists and dermatologists around the world designate her to correct many cosmetic defects and treatment of skin diseases.

Interesting!   Pure blue clay is recommended for the care oily skin face and head.

Fighting cellulite

Dilute blue clay in hot water. Soften the clay until smooth consistency of sour cream. Light massage to knead the problem areas of the body. Then rub the clay a lot of these sites. Wrap with plastic wrap on top to wear warm pants or cover yourself with a towel. An hour later, rinse with cool water. Doing regular clay wraps for 2-3 months, it is possible to ensure that the skin is visibly smoothed.

Important!   When preparing the clay composition You can not use metal utensils.

Treat Acne

Making a mask of blue clay once at bedtime for 1-2 months, you will forget about this issue.

• Mix 3 tablespoons of powder Cambrian clay, 10-15 drops of lemon juice and 30 ml of vodka. Apply the mixture on your face. After 15-20 minutes, remove the mask.

• Dissolve 3 tablespoons of blue clay until thick sour cream, add 1 teaspoon of cranberry juice and apply a thin layer on the face, and then 20 minutes rinse with cold water.

Important!   When using clay masks patients with different skin types may mask the uneven drying, which is associated with different levels of moisture and sebaceous excretions of different parts skin. It should be fast drying wet areas with warm boiled irrigation water or to use thermal water.

Caring for heels

Legs to steam in a hot bath, and then coat with a foot of clay mass. From above polyethylene wrap and put on socks. The procedure lasts 20 - 30 minutes.

 Clay blue-blooded
 Nourishes the skin

Mix the pulp of the tomato 1 medium size with 1 tablespoon blue clay and put on the skin for 20 minutes, then rinse with cool water mask.

Clay SPA

Bath with blue clay eliminate fatigue, soften the skin of the body.

• Take 1 liter of warm cow's milk and add 100 g of blue clay, mix everything well and pour into warm water in the bath.

Important!   Receiving clay bath leads to a heavy load on the heart. So take a bath more than 10-15 minutes is not recommended, especially for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. Take no more than 10 baths, and then made break.

• Dissolve 4 tablespoons clay powder in ½ liter of warm water and pour the mixture into the bath. Add to this bath 1 liter of broth succession, which will improve the skin condition. After bathing it is necessary rinse with cool water.
Author: Inna Sedykh