The main processes of cell regeneration taking place at night. And should help the cells of the skin and hair, to make this process as efficient as possible. Check to see if you're doing the right care in the night?
Good night update and recreation - the key to a healthy mind and brisk throughout the day. This is a natural deceleration of the aging process, preservation of youth for a long time.
Night Care skin begins with cleansing. Cleanser gently massage the face and neck, then rinse with warm water. Do not rub the skin with a towel and pat pat dry with a towel. Do not forget your lips - they should also be washed thoroughly before applying a moisturizing balm, but try not to move the skin, not to provoke the appearance of early wrinkles.

One of the main rules - select a cleanser appropriate for your skin type:
- For oily skin.
Detergents for oily skin specifically designed to remove excess oil and keeping the pores clear. They should be based on the oil-free, gentle, consistency - liquid detergents.
- For dry skin.
In dry skin pores generally narrowed, so far in the deep cleaning is not necessary. The main purpose detergents for dry skin - to prevent dehydration. If, after your detergent you peel off the face - it's time to change their means. Good tool to be nutritious, be composed of vitamins A, C and E, to be without alcohol, with wetting agents and consistency of liquid soap.
- For combination skin.
To make better use of such skin just two types of detergents: T-zone - means aqueous based and dry areas - soft and non-alcoholic means. Funds with chamomile and aloe vera can be a good solution.
- For sensitive skin.
You can use the money for a cream base, but without fragrance and dyes. The main ingredients may be glycerin, olive oil, lavender.
Speaking of hair, many leave the shampoo in the morning. And for good reason. Firstly, it is necessary to spare precious morning time to spare a few minutes to sit in silence for a cup of tea. Second, the hair will be more resilient and alive when they washed a few hours ago. The same can be said about dry shampoo. Latest tips from stylists - to use dry shampoo in the morning and at night. This will allow the oil absorbing particles to make their "work" in full and with maximum efficiency.
Despite the fact that I want to maintain a sense of longer clean skin, not burdened by any means, do not go to bed without wetting. As an alternative - you can use a humidifier for the bedroom. But a good moisturizer is needed, but a humidifier would be a good addition.

For young skin can advise a light moisturizer Clinique Youth Surge Age Decelerating Night Moisturizer, and for more aged - L'Oréal Collagen Moisture Filler Daily Moisturizer Night Cream. What matters is that the product has been specifically designed for night use. This is important in such products have ingredients that can act overnight. The day creams do not put them to avoid oily sheen and clogging pores.

After 30 years of transition to a night cream with retinol, it increases the production of collagen and keeps the skin healthy and acting as the prevention of wrinkles and other signs of aging. Good facilities with retinol is at Vichy, ROC: Vichy Liftactiv Retinol HA Night, ROC Retinol Correxion Deep Wrinkle Night Cream.

In the night and need moisture hair. Every week you can do a deep conditioning hair, leaving a mask, oil or air conditioner on the hair overnight. It is best not to wear a headscarf on her hair, and the hair will not "breathe". Pillowcases cover layer of tissue, and long hair can be attached to the free high beam (low beam will stop). Oils or mask overnight should be applied over the entire length of the hair.
Use eye cream
Most of us have the opportunity to buy a good night cream for the skin around the eyes. But one of the important things - the right to use it. The basic rule: Do not apply the cream too close to the edges of the eyelids and the eye mucosa. At night, the cream itself "gets" to the lash line, but if you just put a large amount of the cream on the eyelids, the next morning you wake up with puffy eyes, and edema.

Why do you need a good pillow case
This is important for skin and hair. Pillow should not absorb oils from the skin and hair, the cells were fed at night, not dried up. Therefore, silk, satin - good examples of matter for pillowcases. And the hair will not tangle, break down, will not give up their moisture not lose luster.

At one time it was passion for sleep without pillows or at a very low pillow. However, this approach often leads to edema, bags under the eyes. Therefore cushion should be moderately high.
The finer the hair, so they are more prone to tangling. Rid the hair from tangling help not only to satin pillowcase, but not tight braids. Experts advise in this braid two or more braids, secure tape. One braid will pull hair, interfere with turning in his sleep.