After 25 years, should review their facial skin care, because He is very different from what you used previously. This is due to the fact that at this age, the skin begins to slow recovery processes and destructive - accelerating.
At this age, the skin needs most active moisturizing and protection from sunlight.
After 25 years, the skin begins to lose moisture. It might be caused by aggressive means for the young (teenage) skin lotion for deep cleansing of the skin with an alcohol content in the composition, and, of course, by ultraviolet radiation. In order to protect the lipid barrier, it is necessary to choose and change the treatment.
To begin with - to give up aggressive and hard tools for teenage skin and move to a more "adult" means. Creams after 25 mainly aimed at to stop or at least slow down the destruction of the skin structure, and remove fine lines and prevent early signs of aging.
The most useful is only three ingredients:
Vitamin A
(responsible for the formation of new cells and exfoliate dead skin);
vitamin E
(slows down the aging process) and
vitamin C
(very good for the complexion).

Home Care:
In 25 years, the skin has enough of their forces in the self-recovery, so do not overload it, and should be just a little to help her. Most importantly - a thorough cleansing 2 times daily. Also, do not skip step toning. For daily care it is best to choose a cream with antioxidants and vitamins indicated above. The most important cause of premature aging are the sun's rays, so the cream must contain a SPF-filters.
Once or twice a week (depending on skin type) should be carried out with the help of deep cleansing cleansing masks and scrubs. In order not to injure the skin, it is best to choose peeling fruit acids or peeling bedroll (without abrasive particles in the composition). They exfoliate the horny layer of the skin is not worse, and are softer. And do not forget about good hydration with special masks.
Note: cleaning and moisturizing masks are not interchangeable. After cleaning the mask can immediately apply a moisturizing to soothe the skin.
Cabin treatments:
It should give up the mechanical cleansing, replacing them with non-invasive, with light peels (fruit, dairy). At this age, it is already possible to begin to take courses of mesotherapy mild vitamin preparations. These procedures are an excellent prevention of the appearance of wrinkles in the future. You should not take place deeper chemical peels and hardware procedures. Resources are limited in our skin, and if we now start to put her strong anti-aging effects of, in the older age have to resort to laser surgery, as the skin will no longer handle itself, the synthesis of collagen fibers generate violated.

It is not necessary to overload the skin dense textures, whether powder or foundation. They are old and visually highlight all lines, even those whose existence you did not suspect. Do not use both the base under makeup, foundation and powder. It is better to confine something one - your skin will say thank you for it. The hottest trends allow the use of various shades of eye makeup and lip. However, it should be borne in mind that dark shades of lipstick added age. If you want to avoid - beware of using them in makeup.
Do not underestimate the physical load. Even if you think that now you have no problem, and it is completely you do not need, then over time will begin more and more difficult. And to keep fit simply by starting to do fitness as soon as possible. It can be any exercise - indoors or group lessons - it does not matter. The main thing is to do it regularly - at least 3 times a week. One of the most effective stress are swimming, running, cycling. It does not require much time and does not require large financial investments.

In no case should not exhaust yourself diets. Starvation kills muscle and leads to premature skin aging. Diet is better to prefer a regular good nutrition. It is better to take an example from the athletes - have often, but slowly. The last meal should be no more than 3-4 hours before bedtime. The recommended diet include fish, lean white meat of poultry, vegetables, fruits and whole grain bread.