With the onset of summer, your skin is exposed to the active influence of the sun and wind on the street and the air conditioner in the office. Are you going on holiday or summer stay in the city - it is necessary to provide special protection to your skin at this time of year.
Skin Care in summer
Summer beauty formula - cleansing, moisturizing and protection. In summer, it is best to use the funds that do not contain alkali and alcohol and relieve skin from feeling tight. Optimal support the balance of oily skin in summer and prevent its drying agent with extracts of ginger and oats, as well as the bark of willow trees. Strong over-dried skin restore special cosmetic mask or oil. For example,
ARTISTRY essentials Intensive moisturizing mask
It provides instant hydration of the skin, improves texture and smoothes the skin, leaving a pleasant feeling of softness.

Day cream in the summer should apply a light layer, and it is better instead of face cream to use a lighter texture lotion. Often it seems that the facial skin looks better in the summer, and all the imperfections are hidden by a tan. In fact,
Tan has the effect of thickening of the horny layer and it is fraught with dehydration and dryness of the skin. Also, during the heat increases the risk of inflammation of the skin, in the form "spots" and Allergy
. To avoid such troubles face and the entire body in the summer should be thoroughly cleaned. For effective cleansing can be used 1-2 times a week, or attend a bath scrub.

Particular attention should be paid to the skin in the eye area. In summer, because of the bright sun often have to squint, resulting in the formation of wrinkles. Therefore, the skin of eyelids and skin around the eyes to choose horosheeuvlazhnyayuschee and protective equipment, having in its composition lifting piptidy fashionable and desirable to wear sunglasses in the summer.
Hand skin summer, and at any other time of year, the diet needs. Use cream with sunscreen to prevent dryness and prolong the youthfulness of the skin of hands.

Makeup summer
In summer, the woman can work or relax, and each case has its own recommendations. On holiday it is better not to overload the skin of decorative cosmetics, confining waterproof mascara and lip gloss with sunscreen.
Working the summer in the city, it is difficult to completely abandon the make-up, but keep the makeup on your skin all day in hot weather - it is quite difficult. Staying fresh make-up will help the foundation primer, which is applied after the day cream under the foundation.
If the type or condition of the skin does not allow to do without powder, in the summer the best option would be to powder with a light texture, which looks more natural on the face, enveloping the skin and a light veil without clogging pores.

Expert Commentary: How to protect your skin from the sun?
Meets Alexander Gaunt - MD, dermatologist-cosmetologist, specialist contouring, medical aesthetics, mesotherapy and Anti-age medicine. Full member of the Russian Society of Aesthetic Medicine. Full member of the Russian Society of Mesotherapy. Expert care brands ARTISTRY cosmetics company Amway.

The beautician must be in the summer sunscreen. Sunscreen for the face with SPF of at least 30 is recommended in the first sunny days, you can then move to the lighter - with SPF 15-20, to get a nice light tan. Use the after-sun protection for the skin after sunbathing, for example, ARTISTRY essentials Face cream with a calming effect. Sunscreen for the body, choose a SPF 15-20 and gradually decreases to 6-8. Tone cream and lipstick should also be a sunscreen.