Who said that shaving the face - it's just the lot of men? American cosmetologists say that such a procedure is very useful for women's skin and make it young and beautiful. It sounds a bit strange and even shocking? But it turns out, this procedure was one of the secrets of beauty Elizabeth Taylor, Marilyn Monroe, and even the great Cleopatra. What is the essence of this method?
Known since ancient times
This newfangled procedure is called in the states dermapleyning (dermaplaning), which literally means - "planing face." The interest in it has grown thanks to the popular show "The Real Housewives," which was mentioned in this rather strange, but effective method of rejuvenation. According to the meaning of the name, it seems that this method is not particularly pleasant, but rather dangerous. It's one thing to shave the skin of the legs or underarms, and quite another - to allow the razor to the delicate skin of the face ...

However, a dermatologist at New York Center for laser surgery of the skin, Dr. Elizabeth Hale hastens to reassure his patients, telling about the ancient origins of this method, its tangible benefits and minimal side effects. In fact dermapleyning includes a very simple physical or mechanical methods of peeling, which helps to remove dead skin cells and improves its color. At the same time disposing of fine hairs on the face, fluff and excess fat, you can get a smooth and velvety skin. After such a peeling it is capable of much better absorb essential vitamins and nutrients.
Usual razor will not work
Cosmetologists say that dermapleyning at home are unlikely to be able to give the desired effect. After all, in the salons of this procedure is done using a special tool similar to a scalpel. Initially used for these purposes, surgical blade number 10 - about 3 cm long and with a slightly curved tip. In many stores still hold dermapleyning with this tool.
But also meets and modernized version of Scalpel with disposable blades slightly shorter than 3 cm. They are attached to the handle, which is comfortable to hold. It looks like an ordinary tool knife cutting butter. If you do decide on a procedure at home, then in any case, you can not use ordinary razor. It is better to buy a special razor to the face or eyebrows. For example, brands such as Shiseido or Tinkle. They are sharp, toothed edge and are intended for application to dry skin, unlike conventional machines.

Fear, but not hurt
As a rule, dermapleyning begins with a thorough cleaning of the face. In the areas of skin with acne impose a clay mask to avoid damage during shaving. Then applied to the skin a little cosmetic Toner, in consequence, it is uniformly dispersed and hidden shortcomings of the skin. After the preparatory phase itself begins peeling.

Specialist, carefully dried the face of the patient, taking tool for dermapleyninga 45-degree angle and starts quickly, but very gently scraping the skin with pre-approved. After the end of the procedure cosmetologist often applied to the face useful alpha-hydroxy. Penetrating deep into the pores, they improve the effect of exfoliation of dead skin cells, smooth surface that gives it shine and acting on the basal membrane, stimulate the emergence of new skin cells.

Despite the unpleasant sounds of scraping and very dangerous tool in the hands of a doctor, the procedure is completely painless. A notable effect of dermapleyninga can be seen immediately after the "shaving": the skin is incredibly delicate, soft, smooth, refreshed and rejuvenated. However, the final result will be visible only after four or five days: the color and texture of the skin will continue to improve, to identify more clearly the outlines of the face, cosmetics will be applied very easily and reduces wrinkles.
Scary myth debunked
The biggest barrier to starting the procedure, according to dermatologist Elizabeth Hale - it's an old myth that the more often shave the skin, the faster grow her hair and getting fatter. But this, according to doctors - just a common misconception. Shaving person does not contribute to the density or quantity of hair thereon. Even removing the small downy hairs, you can not fear that their place will rise a rough stubble. By nature, these are soft and thin hairs and shaving can not influence their structure.

Dermapleyninga additional advantage is that for those who want to get rid of excess hair on the face, this procedure kills several birds with one stone, and is cheaper than laser hair removal. But if you need a face peeling, the optional use dermapleyningom. In this case, Dr. Hale recommends choosing alternative methods of cleaning - with special hydroxy acids, retinoids, or laser. And when you need to get rid of dead skin cells and excess hair on the face, then dermapleyning be the best choice. Of course, provided that it is done well, the person skilled in the tested cabin.
