The winter has passed. Ahead of us are just waiting for warm, sunny days, and with them new concerns about "his beloved." It is not just about a change of clothes and a desire to enter the "form" before the beach season. Particular attention in this period, the woman should be given and its make-up.
It is known that the hot summer is not much nanesesh foundation, pencil or ink. When exposed to high temperatures, they may leak. And, besides, once the skin needs a rest! Natural tan camouflage can perfectly replace the foundation, and will help make eyes expressive banal coloring eyelashes and eyebrows.
Pros and cons of coloring eyelashes and eyebrows
- At coloring of eyelashes and eyebrows, as well as in the color of hair of the head, allergic reactions are possible. Therefore, before this procedure is always necessary to make a smear test. It will show if you have an allergy to this type of paint or not.
- Painting eyelashes hold no more than 2 weeks. Then again, it is necessary to carry out the re-staining.
- Paint the eyebrows and eyelashes gives only the outline. But the volume is able to recreate just mascara.
- But in the heat of colored paint eyelashes and eyebrows will not give you as many problems as eyelashes and eyebrows painted in ink and pencil. You can safely enjoy outdoor recreation, lie on the beach or make any important business, not caring about their makeup.
- With painted eyelashes and eyebrows make you look younger and more natural, and the skin will be able to take a break from exhausting its "plaster" and gather strength for the next cold season.

Choosing paint
Service color eyelashes and eyebrows have any beauty salon. You can safely access the masters. But if, for some reason, this is not possible, then you can make a color in the home. To do this you need only a special paint for eyelashes and eyebrows, as well as outside help, such as a friend.
- Ladies, remember that for the eyelashes and eyebrows, there are specialized paint. She has a special structure and gentle composition. In no case can not use hair dye head. It can cost you!
- Try to choose high-quality professional paint-known brands that are used in beauty salons, for example: Estel, Schwarzkopf, Londa and others.


- When choosing paint colors guided by the color of the hair of the head. Dye for eyebrows to be a few shades darker. A dye eyelashes, eyebrows darker dye. These are the rules!
Staining procedure eyebrows
For coloring eyebrows, you will need the following equipment: paint, glassware (glass, plastic or metal), cotton swab or clean mascara brush and greasy cream. It is advisable to carry out coloring in rubber or disposable gloves to avoid staining your hands and nails.

1. Dilute the paint according to instructions in the prepared pan.
2. Gently promazhte cream area around the eyebrows, in the event of uneven smear easily wipe off the paint with a cotton swab.
3. Begin to put a paint brush or cotton swab from the outer edge of the eyebrow, evenly distributing it over the entire length.
4. Paint hold no more than 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
Staining procedure eyelashes
To dye eyelashes you need: paint, dishes, a cotton swab, clean brush from the carcass and, most importantly, any assistant. Himself produce dyeing eyelashes risky because the paint during blinking can get into the eyes cause irritation and even swelling. Therefore, it is advisable to carry out this procedure with eyes closed. And without an assistant you do not handle it!

1. Dilute the paint and put it under the lower eyelid cotton swab.
2. Close your eyes.
3. The paint is applied on the base of the eyelashes, evenly over their entire length. It washed off after about 10 minutes with warm water.
As you can see, staining of eyelashes and eyebrows at home is not such a complicated procedure. It will help you avoid the high financial costs, as the cost of services in the salon today rather big. And while what you have spent on makeup every day, you can devote to something else, such as the family, the beloved, or simply let yourself be pampered a little longer in the morning in bed.