Beauty Secrets of hands
 Hand skin is exposed to the environment is much more than the facial skin. However, for some reason we put care into the hands of the best second place, while and facial and neck, and hand care is equally important to us.

Let's talk about proper care for your hands. We will understand how to choose a quality suitable means for hands.

Well-groomed, beautiful hands - the lot lentyaek. So, unfortunately, many women think. And wrong. Even Kant wrote: "Hand - is released outside the brain." Is not it so? The whole appearance of the person creates a whole image of the brain and memory of the people around them. And how would you fashionable and expensive no dressing, no matter what make or imposed, groomed hands will be given your guts. And they, in fact, be given? What do our hands?

Well-groomed hands are beautiful, especially aesthetically . This is a sign of prosperity, because in a society firmly rooted idea that only wealthy people can afford to look good, and very wealthy - to find the time and means to care for your hands. Of course, this is misleading, but why would you prove it over the counter?

Well-groomed hands say that its owner cares about herself . So, people do not tend to overlook details, themselves highly valued and appreciated by others.

• And, of course, hands eloquently declare the state of human health . Any deviations in the health impact on the skin of hands. Pale, dry skin, redness, peeling skin of hands is unlikely to add charm to your image. Add to this the well-groomed nails, exfoliating, pale or yellow, and sad picture on the face.

Even if you do not care how others perceive you, if you do not need, for example, to make a good impression on a potential employer, customer, partner, still overlook the hand is not necessary. Unhealthy skin on the hands can fairly spoil your life and develop into skin diseases.

Do not forget this important aspect, as the power of the person. Flow through the hands of powerful energy flows. Grooming hands, we will intensify these streams, make them work for us - clean the body and the brain, filled with energy, which will then monitor the activity of internal organs.

It's time to take care of their pens.   We have countless times a day to wash your hands. It saves us from harmful bacteria, but kills the skin. What to do? Firstly, when possible, use a mild soap For example, with glycerol. Secondly, after washing necessarily wipe hands dry Especially during the cold season - it prevents skin dryness and cracking. Well, if you are at your disposal there is always a light hand gel   - It neutralizes the effect of soap and water and absorbed in a blink of an eye.

Keep your purse marching wipes In the impregnation which contains extracts of herbs and emollients. They are useful when the right moment will not appear next to the crane with water and soap, as well as, if the kind of soap in a public place does not cause you trust (unlikely in the public restrooms you will find a moisturizing soap).

 Beauty Secrets of hands

We now turn to home care for your hands . If you once a week to devote some time to their handles, believe me, they will be immensely grateful.

- Before the procedure make peeling the skin of hands . Perfect for this easy recipe: Mix 3 parts coffee grounds (the larger milling, the better) with 1 part sour cream (fat does not matter, but if you have very dry skin, you can take the cream fatter). Apply this mixture on your hands and massage them one against the other, paying particular attention to rough areas of skin. After 3-5 minutes, rinse with a mixture of warm water and dry your hands thoroughly. By the way, the coffee is very refreshing pale skin color.

- Pamper your tired hands Baths . First lower them for 20-30 minutes in warm water. If the home of a hand work is very dirty or stained (eg, after peeling potatoes), add a little salt in the water or soda. Salt, besides, relieve fatigue with it. After the water bath should be wiped dry hands and drop them in warm vegetable oil. Do not be amiss to note that oil should be in any case not fried and better refined and deodorized. If possible, use a high-quality olive oil baths, but the fit and sunflower. The procedure is the same as for the water baths - 30 minutes. After the procedure, it is not necessary to wash your hands - just remove the oil with a soft cloth.

- It is useful to punctuate the oil bath masks for hands : Apply the product on the skin, wrap with waxed paper and put on cotton gloves for 30 minutes. The structure of masks usually include: honey, egg yolk, glycerol, carrots, sour cream, butter, boiled potatoes, water from the boiled potatoes and rice. The classical composition nourishing masks for hands also includes oatmeal and milk. Selection of components depends on the type of skin allergy to some component.

- Excellent effect on the skin have a hand lotions   infusions of medicinal herbs such as plantain, chamomile, calendula. The composition of these lotions also added honey, vegetable oil, glycerin, tincture of rose and rose hips. Lotion refreshes and tones the skin.

- Of course, can not do without the use of hand creams . They are divided into nourishing, moisturizing and protective; thick and light (emulsion). The structure of high-quality creams must include bactericidal and nutrients:
 Beauty Secrets of hands
   • Glycerine (softens and moisturizes the skin);
• lanolin (softens rough or very dry skin);
• vegetable and animal fats (form a water-repellent film having a protective effect);
• extracts of herbs (reduce inflammation, heal cracked, have protective properties);
• moisturizing oils (have bactericidal and antiseptic effect, moisturise and nourish the skin of the hand);
• Vitamins (activate own protective function of the skin);
• elastin and collagen (give elasticity the skin, prevent aging).

- On top of this holiday cute pens a massage . It is held immediately after applying the cream. A circular motion clockwise massage from the tips of your fingers at first to the ground. Then move on to the palm - move clockwise from the pads from the thumb. Having 3-5 laps around the circumference of the palm, the host of the central part of the massage. After the massage is massage the palm of her hand back on the same principle. Many note that during the massage of some certain areas of the hands they are experiencing unusually pleasant sensations - tingling or tickling. This is due to the concentration of the energy bands in the art. For each person, these individual areas. If you come upon these feelings, focusing on these areas - so you activate the internal energy of the organism.

It happens so that the skin on his hands became very dry and rough, and time for baths and masks does not. In this case, a stick - will lifesaver baby cream . It has a greasy consistency of the modern children's cream contains extracts of herbs and it does not cause an allergic reaction. Apply a thin layer of cream on your hands, wear cotton gloves on the basis of, and go to bed. In the morning you will not know your handle! However, do not replace the children's cream of the above procedures - in this case the skin of your hands can not get it urgently needs components.

So principal moments in skin care hands are the right choice of means, regularity and, of course, the love of his pen - working women . Do not forget about it and get a real pleasure, both from the procedures themselves as well as from admiring the gentle and beautiful hands.
Author: Catherine Khetagurova