You have already prepared for the dryness and peeling? In vain! To resist this winter misfortunes can. We have for you a few tricks, which you had not heard. But they work!
The face
We struggle with dryness, redness and irritation:
1) Do not wash. Yes, you read correctly. In cold days this advice is effective especially. If you wash your face at night, there is no need to wash it again in the morning, it just dries the skin. Simply pour over a little face with cool water to refresh it, and then apply a daily moisturizer and makeup.
2) Make-up - our defense. Silicones in the primers not only allow the cosmetics better glide across the face during application, and last longer, but also act as a barrier between the skin and the wind and cold. If the application for summer makeup primer you seemed superfluous, in cold weather, this product might like.
3) Red Nose - a frequent disadvantage in the cold. Try bedtime sure to moisturize the nostrils ointments such as petrolatum. Sinuses are moisturized, the skin on them becomes denser disappear irritation and flaking.

4) The brightness and radiance of the skin means available. In the summer this can be achieved simply by going out in the sun in the winter sun bathing almost inaccessible. Try this trick at home. At 5-10 minutes lie down on the couch or on the floor (you can while watching TV), with raised legs (you can lean on the wall or table). Blood prilet to face increase the circulation and metabolism in the skin that give radiance and freshness.
5) Winter - the best time for the laser. If you want a long time to remove warts, spots with a laser, the winter for most of this time of grace. The sun's rays will not interfere with the effect of a foothold.
6) Eat nuts. These fatty acids moisturize the skin and hair from the inside. Are you allergic to nuts? No problem. The alternative - cheese and olive oil.
The body
1) Shower shorter and colder. In winter, often to warm up in the morning, we stand for a long time under the hot water in the shower. This is detrimental to the skin. The higher the water temperature, the more dry skin is after a shower. Instead, first warm the bathroom (eg, warm steam of the jet of hot water) and then take a cool shower in a warm room. And do not stand in the water for longer than 10 minutes!

2) Down with soap and a washcloth! In winter refuse antibacterial soap, especially for the body. Use a mild soap such as Dove. And do not use a sponge, apply the soapy water by hand. This will prevent dryness and irritation in the winter.
3) Moisturize. As soon as possible, apply a moisturizer after a shower. Right in the bathroom. Because immediately after the shower the pores remain open and better absorb lotion. This allows moisturizers to act better and better absorbed. Within 1-2 minutes you will be able to dress up.
4) the winter is to moisturize the skin more. Will the room humidifiers. As well as changing their habits. In the summer you put moisturizer only once a day in the winter, do it twice a day.

Corns, itching, peeling - with these troubles are going to fight. To do this, remember the three simple rules:
1) Egg pedicure. Soak your feet in hot water for 15 minutes. After that, take a raw egg (white and yolk) and rub in a circular motion in the foot and the heel. This will remove dead skin and soften calluses. Do not more than 2 times a week.
2) After any visit to a shower or bath wipe their feet dry, and apply a few layers of lotion or moisturizer.
3) Socks! This recipe probably know everything. At night, after applying moisturizer to wear socks, and the next morning you wake up with an exceptionally soft heels. If you can not do it often, but at least a couple times a month practice socks at night, and under them, lubricate the legs with a thick layer of shea butter. By the way, you know that there is a special product of the winter - moisturizing socks. You'll see - buy. These socks impregnated with moisturizing shea butter. In the online store a pair costs about 300 rubles.

Nobody likes dry skin on the hands, which appears with the onset of cold weather. TAKING ACTION:
1) The key to the smooth skin of the hands - regular exfoliation. For hands this procedure can be done two times a week. Use the purchased scrub or make a home, for example, hydrochloric or coffee. Apply scrub to dry skin, massage it, and each finger for 30 seconds, then rinse off the scrub.
2) After the exfoliation - moistening. Use body lotion or hand cream. But be careful when choosing a lotion - some perfumed lotions dry skin. Observe if this happens, go to the lotions without perfumes or oils.
3) Gloves! Buy thin cotton gloves, and try once a week to wear them up for the night (although you can sleep in the daytime, for example). Pre-grease your hands with a thick layer of fat cream. By the way, the producers of new products, and there are not asleep, and offer a special moisturizing gloves (like moisturizing socks). The pair is 200-250 rubles (the Internet) as well as part - natural juice of aloe vera and vitamin E.
