How do you determine that it's time to lose weight? Perhaps when there is excess weight. There is a second question which excess weight, and what - is normal. There are several methods to determine this.
Body mass index (BMI)
Calculate your body mass index - a good way to find out how much you should weigh. BMI - a ratio of weight and height of a person. Each of us is an individual, this value, and the result should be compared with the table of standards.
The basic formula for calculating BMI is as follows:
Weight (kg) should be divided by the square of height (in meters).
At the same BMI can be calculated not only in the usual metric. We inches and pounds almost never use, but if you're curious, the formula BMI in this case is as follows:
Weight (pounds) x 703 divided by the square of height (in inches).
Now it remains only to interpret the results. Ministry of Health around the world adhere to the following guidelines:
BMI less than 18, 5 - underweight;
A BMI of 18, 5 and 25 - the ideal weight;
BMI from 25 to 30 - overweight;
BMI over 30 - obese.
Formula waist-hip
This calculation takes into account the proportions of your body. The formula is just for those who believe that they have "such a constitution" or "big bones". It does not take into account weight and height, and takes the ratio of waist and hip circumference. Waist circumference is measured just above the navel - it is the smallest waist circumference. A hip circumference - is, in contrast, the greatest circumference at the hips.
The basic formula for waist hip:
Waist circumference divided by hip circumference.
Now, the result should be interpreted. The index of less than 0, 8 - an excellent and optimal. This means that you have a lower risk of cardiovascular disease and health problems. The index of 0, 8 to 0, 89 indicates a moderate risk of heart problems and diabetes. But, the rate of 0, 9, and more - this is a high risk of health problems.

Formula waist-height
This calculation can show how much you should weigh for your height. Recently there are many studies that show that the ratio of waist circumference to growth is important in predicting diabetes and heart disease.
The basic formula is as follows:
Waist circumference should be less than half your height.
Formula proper weight Cohen
Michel Cohen - the author of the so-called Paris diet, which is aimed at maintaining a healthy weight throughout life, and without complete abandonment of sweets. On this diet, Nicolas Sarkozy has lost 8 kg in just 2 months. To begin calculations, the four main figures:
Your weight 18 without the diet (e.g., 70 kg).
Your greatest weight, except during pregnancy (eg, 95 kg).
Your minimum weight after 18 years, or to a diet without diet (e.g., 65 kg).
Your current weight (e.g., 90 kg).
Fold the answers to questions A and B and divide by two (70 + 95/2 = 82, 5 kg. This number Y.
Fold the answers to questions C and D and divide by two (65 + 90/2 = 77, 5 kg. This number Z.
Add up the number of Y and Z, and divide it into two (82, 77 + 5, 5/2 = 80 kg. This is your ideal weight.
Perfect waistline
As mentioned above, this parameter is very important to the health of the heart and preventing diabetes. Measure your waist and find out if you are at risk.
Wrap the measuring tape around her waist so that it is positioned at the level of the navel. Do not get too tight to pull centimeter. The risk of diabetes increases with waist circumference in women more than 80 cm, and the men - more than 94 cm.

Online calculators
Internet is ready to help you with any complicated calculations. On specialized sites about health and diet, you will encounter a huge variety of various calculators, including those that we have listed above. In most cases, these calculators are free and easy. Just keep in mind that the calculators on the Internet can be in different units, it is easier to consider in centimeters and kilograms, but there are online services and in inches and pounds.
And a few more tips on how to make measurements:
- Weigh in one and the same time of the day (preferably in the morning after an 8-hour sleep).
- Weigh 1-2 times a week, and also in the same days of the week.
- Measure the circumference of the waist and hips in the morning, before eating, then the numbers will be more objective.
- The growth is also better measure early in the morning, after waking up, since the end of the day fatigue accumulates, posture deteriorates and it is difficult to make a correct calculation.