It is believed that a diet consisting of low-fat products or categories of "light", is a guarantee of harmony and health. So whether it is in fact, try to understand this article.
Fat and sugar are traditionally positioned as enemies of the slim figure. However, human physiology is designed so that about 30% of daily requirement of calories from fat should fall. The last in the body perform important functions: increase the firmness and elasticity of blood vessels, helps in the absorption of vitamins A, D, E and K, are involved in the synthesis of hormones. According to medical data, the lack of fat often leads to metabolic failure, malfunction of the nervous system, irritability and depression.
The lack of sugar also can negatively affect health. Lowering the performance, severe headaches and dizziness, unreasonable neuroses - so the brain signals the insufficient level of glucose in the body.
Low-fat foods
To impart flavor low-fat foods, manufacturers increase the content of sugar and carbohydrates, thereby increasing their caloric content.
In the food industry frequently uses artificial fats that mimic the natural quality, but with a minimum of calories.

Consumer demand for sweeteners higher than in the low-fat products in several hundred times. Nutritionists and doctors say about one hundred grams of sugar per day does not hurt a healthy person, while some of the sweeteners may pose a threat to our body.
Sweeteners are divided into two categories: natural and synthetic.
Natural sweeteners
Fruit syrups, fructose, xylitol, sorbitol and stevia fifteen items.
Consumer demand for sweeteners higher than in the low-fat products in several hundred times. Nutritionists say a healthy person about one hundred grams of sugar per day does not hurt, while some of his substitutes may pose a threat to health.
Natural ingredients, which are a source of fruit. In taste sweeter than sucrose, fructose bit, so its application can help in a slight decrease in caloric content. Fructose is useful for both child and adult organism. It is recommended to use in the diet of diabetics, given that it does not require insulin for its processing. Compared to sugar, fructose 30% reduces the risk of caries. However, excess intake of fructose results in an accumulation of fat.
Sorbitol (E420).
It was first produced from frozen berries of mountain ash, which is reflected in its name ("sorbus" is Latin for "Rowan"). Furthermore, it is contained in seaweed, apricots, apples and other fruit. The advantages of sorbitol as a sweetener are very doubtful, despite the fact that it does not increase the blood sugar level. Sugar almost twice as sweet sorbitol and caloric they have no differences.
The only natural substitutes, which has a high coefficient of sweetness and practically devoid of calories. The use of stevia in food normalizes the gastrointestinal tract, promotes the conclusion of the body decay products, metal salts, toxins, has anti-fungal, anti-microbial and tonic effect. In addition, restores the body after physical or nervous exhaustion, slows down the natural aging mechanisms.
Xylitol (E967).
Widely used in the production of food for diabetics. It is a natural source of vegetables, fruits and plants, among them - the birch juice, raspberries, strawberries, corn on the cob. Xylitol 1, 2 times sweeter than sucrose, has at least a low glycemic index and calorie content of its identity. Because of the higher level of sweetness, their use could reduce the amount of calories consumed with sucrose. Exceeding the standards of xylitol, which is 50 grams per day, is a recipe for gastrointestinal disorders.

Artificial sweeteners
Cyclamate (E952).
In the United States as a carcinogen banned in Russia with the restriction applies to children, pregnant women and patients with kidney disease. Cyclamate sweeter than sucrose thirty times, the daily dose is no more than 11 milligrams per kilogram of body weight.
Saccharin (E 954).
One of the first substitute, was invented in the late 19th century. For a long time actively used in the food industry, but in the seventies of the last century was banned in the Soviet Union. In Europe, it continued to use marked "carcinogen". Safety requirements for admission saccharine - not exceed a daily dose - more than 5 milligrams per kilogram of body weight. In taste the sweetness of the sugar it exceeds five hundred times.
Aspartame (E951).
The most popular sweetener in our country, the basis of most-Lites gazirovok. The question of its potential harm, scientists are now concerned, as a decay product of aspartame is methanol, which is converted to formaldehyde, a carcinogen A class. However, scientists note subject a daily dose of 30-40 milligrams per kilogram of body weight, this replacement can not cause cancer. But its long-term use leads to insomnia and headaches.
Acesulfame (E950).
Is provocateur allergies in people prone to it. In two hundred times sweeter than sucrose, the daily rate of no more than 8 grams per kilogram of body weight. Often used as a mixture with aspartame. Aspartame provides product "instant sweetness", acesulfame - "sweet aftertaste."
Sucralose (E955).
The most expensive, but also among the safest artificial sweeteners. It can be used in diets of infants and pregnant women. Tensile sucralose daily dose is 5 milligrams per kilogram of body weight. However, due to its high cost, it is rarely used in the food industry and in the public domain is not for sale.
Current research claim the use of non-nutritive sweeteners increases the chances to accumulate fat, because the body, getting the taste signal of glucose (sweet), begins production of insulin to its processing and is configured to receive the energy required it with redoubled zeal that manifested serious hunger pangs . As a result, the person eats more than would eat without "razdraznivaniya 'appetite sweeteners.
For weight loss and health maintenance is better to use natural products, adhere to proper diet and moderate exercise.
Author: Natalia Bartukova