Do I look like a ballerina? Their posture is fascinating and attracts a lot of admiring glances. Do you want to have the same? Then - to the machine!
No, not to the sheet metal machine. To the machine, which was engaged in a ballerina, it is such a crossbar at the hips, for which women are held when the bulk of the ballet exercises. Incidentally, if you think you need to study ballet since childhood, you are wrong. Recently, this type of training is very popular with women who are bored to go to the gym with exercise equipment. A group of muscles that ballet develops and strengthens - the most that neither is ours, women, problem!
Ballet strengthens the muscles of the back, abdomen, legs and buttocks. Posture becomes simply divine and perfect silhouette! In some cities in our country and abroad, there are now special classes for ordinary women, where classes are conducted by professional dancers. For example, Ilze Liepa has developed its own methodology to enhance the female form on the basis of ballet and Pilates. That's what I want to present some ballet exercises that do very nice and not boring, but their effect is not worse than that of fitness or dance. Wear nice clothes for work, including an easy blues music and feel like a ballerina, flexible and unparalleled. And after a few weeks of classes will run up to you and asking passersby: girl, you dancer? - So you'll look divine.
Start training
Perform these exercises three times a week - and after a month you will get your posture is not worse than that of Maya Plisetskaya. Exercise is best done slowly, not abruptly, as doing so in a ballet class. Feel every muscle, which is involved in the movement. Well, if you have the opportunity to engage in this dance class, where there is a mirror and saw (if sagitiruete bridesmaids can pool their savings to rent a room for a few hours a week, it will not be as expensive as individual sessions with a trainer). And if you do at home - use the machine as a table or windowsill.
1. Keep CHIN
The most important exercise of a ballerina
Doing it must be constantly! Always keep your chin parallel to the floor - it automatically makes straighten shoulders. Yes, and a double chin us to anything!

2. Port de Bras
Exercise for the spine
Stand on your toes, stretch your arms up and try to reach the ceiling, the maximum straining muscles of the back and arms. Fix this position for 5 seconds, then relax.
Repeat 15 times.

3. Tilt
Exercise for the lower spine and lower back
Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and without bending your knees, slowly lean to the left as far as possible from the body, stretching arms forward. Ideally, you want to touch the floor with his hands, but if does not allow stretching, touch the floor with your fingertips. Chin strive to keep always parallel to the floor! Return to starting position. Repeat the same leaned forward and then right.
Repeat 5 times in each direction.

Exercise for your back, buttocks and back of thighs
Sit on the floor and stretch your legs. Clasp hands ankles or feet, permitting stretching and gently lean forward, keeping the chin parallel to the floor until you feel discomfort in the back. Return to starting position.
Repeat 10 times.

5. Batman SIDE
Exercise for inner thighs, oblique and rectus muscles of the back
Standing straight, let down his left leg on the desk, pull the sock. Lean to the outstretched leg, trying to touch her breasts. Return to starting position.
Repeat 7 times for each leg.

6. plies
Exercise for buttocks and strengthen the Achilles tendon
Stand with your heels together, toes apart as possible. Squat to the knees, the spring legs and straining buttocks.
Repeat 20 times.

7. inclination towards
Exercise for obliques
Grasp left hand sill and dismissed as far as possible to the right. Raise your right hand and bend to the left, stretching the right side. Return to starting position.
Repeat to 7 times in each direction.

8. Batman BACK
Exercise for the mobility of the hip joints, strengthening the back of the thighs and buttocks
Lean hands on the table or the back of a chair, straighten your back, shoulders and expand the "throw" straight leg back.
Repeat on each leg 10 batman.

Exercise for buttocks and back of the thighs
Sit on the floor, bend your knees, his hands grasp the leg and move forward, "walking" buttocks. Do not immerse the foot and do not help himself with his hands.
Walk the entire length of the hall or room, and then go back.

And a little more about classes
You should not be hot or cold during training. Muscles need to be constantly in the heat, so you will avoid sprains and will achieve a better result in the strengthening of muscles. To do this, engaged in tight leotards. Foot and lower leg is also better to keep warm, for this ballerina in training wear leggings. What about the shoes: it may be just Gym shoes or socks. Special shoes for ballet exercises for posture is not required. But if you "burned" pursue - pointe shoes are necessary, they are sold in specialty stores, and the seller is required to tell you exactly what you need. Good luck!