Hot oil hair care
 Beautiful hair - envy and decoration given to us by nature. But under the influence of various factors, they lose their appeal. But this process is completely reversible. There are a large number of possible options for hair care. Today, I suggest to get acquainted with the way in using the hot oil can be returned to the beauty of the hair, making it shiny and strong.

Why use hot oil hair care?

Firstly, it is one of the simplest and most inexpensive option for home to take care of his beloved. Regardless of the reasons for hair damage, the result of this procedure will be their healthy appearance. It does not matter, you get a special agent or do it yourself, the effectiveness of this does not diminish.

Hot oil has a beneficial effect on the scalp and helps fight dandruff.

Remember, this procedure must be repeated within a certain period of time to achieve a consistent effect. Try to apply the hot oil on hair 1 time per week for about a month. And you will be pleasantly surprised. In general, it depends on the initial condition of the hair.

What makes the hot oil hair care?

It is best to use for these purposes, natural vegetable oils. Most often use olive oil, jojoba oil, and jasmine. Although resource constraints can take a simple and sunflower oil. Let it not as effective, but still give good results. In addition, some used for this purpose even mayonnaise.

How to cook hot oil hair care at home?

In general, there are many variations on this theme. Here are some of them:

A mixture of "Lux"

You will need:

2/3 cup sunflower or olive oil
1 tbsp honey
1 tsp vitamin E oil
10 drops of lavender essential oil
10 drops of essential oil of geranium
10 drops of essential oil of sandalwood

Mix the ingredients and heat in the microwave or in a water bath. Then put a lot on dry hair, starting from the roots. The ideal is to do a little massage your scalp. Once the oil is distributed throughout the length of the hair, wear a hat and wrap head with a towel. Leave on for 15-20 minutes and rinse with shampoo. In the end, apply a balm. That's all.

Spike oil


3 - 4 tablespoons olive oil
3 drops of lavender essential oil

Heat the olive oil in a water bath or in the microwave. Then add to the necessary amount of essential oil of lavender. Then spread the mixture over the entire length of hair (hair must be dry). Put on a hat and wrap head with a towel. Leave for 20-30 minutes. Then wash your head as usual.

Oil-based hair jojoba oil

You will need:

2 tsp jojoba oil
1 tbsp vegetable oil

Mix the oil and heat in a water bath or in the microwave. Then apply on dry hair. Massage your scalp a bit. Put on a hat and wrap head with a towel. Leave for 15 minutes. Wash your head as usual. The number of ingredients can be doubled. All depends on the length and thickness of the hair.

Honey hair oil

You will need:

2 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp honey

Mix the ingredients and heat. Then apply on dry hair. Put on a hat and wrap head with a towel. Leave for 15 minutes. Wash your hair as usual.

As you can see, all the masks on the basis of oil to keep 15 - 30 minutes, ie, the same time as you need to take a shower. So even the busiest ladies, including young mothers, can afford to carry out this procedure. If you can not buy olive oil, it is possible to take and sunflower. The result is also very good.

By the way, I sometimes add not only a mixture of jojoba oil, and wheat germ oil or almond oil. Do not be afraid to experiment and create their beauty recipes.
Author: Vera Karabutova