Why do we have hair, why we lose them, and what to do?
 Hair - a unique tool of expression of women. Well-groomed beautiful hair is associated with femininity, softness, sensuality. Hairstyle, to some extent - a reflection of the inner world of women. From the way her hair looks, we can condemn the level of culture, aesthetic development and taste, her social status and attitude to life and to themselves.

Once upon a time in ancient times, when our ancestors came down from the trees, their whole body was covered with thick hair, it retains heat and served as protection against external threats. As time passed, changed the climate and way of life, a little man has lost almost all woolen cover as unnecessary, but grew hair in sensitive locations. Hair covered the top of his head, and, consequently, the brain from overheating under the scorching sunlight (panama did not yet exist), protected from the cold, creating venting layer between skin and clothing.

Nowadays, after tens of thousands of years after the formation of the modern human form, her hair gradually lose its role. They are not so important for the regulation of body temperature - were hats, central heating, perfectly bald individuals survive and produce offspring, passing descendants inherited feeble sparse hair. Therefore, it becomes less and less on the land owners thick, lush hair. And then there's the problem of modern civilization - stress, environmental pollution, food, increasingly poor in vitamins. In such circumstances the hair requires special treatment, attention, and care. And, of course, do not themselves create problems for yourself.

Excessive hair loss can be caused by:   malnutrition, lack of fresh air, lack of sleep, improper care of hair, dandruff, certain diseases.

Adverse effects on hair have antibiotics, diuretics, and some hormones.

The figure or hair

One of the main causes of hair loss in women, experts believe the universal obsession with losing weight. Women eat less, put on a questionable experiments - are hungry, try different diets, dangerous drugs swallowed and want to look as thin as a Hollywood ideal. All this leads to the fact that the body does not receive a sufficient number of necessary nutrients for the health.

Hair are not the main life-sustaining organ, and if there is a question in front of the body, where to direct the flow of lean supply the heart or the hair, the answer is obvious. Hair supplied with a residual gradually become fragile, brittle, and then just drop out. It has the value and status of the transport network on which food is delivered to the hair follicles, - blood vessels. If there is narrowing of the capillaries, the new hair will not grow.

The hair at the back and sides of the head are retained better because the blood together with the power to these areas comes more actively. Furthermore, in these field are thin layers of fat and muscle, which prevent contraction of the blood vessels. But the temples, forehead and crown contain fairly thin layer of fat and no muscle fibers. It is often a narrowing of the blood vessels as a result of stress or when walking in the winter without a warm hat. If this happens often enough, not long at all bald.

The first and most important thing we can do for hair - is to establish a correct, adequate, balanced nutrition!

Of course, I did not call anyone to overeat excess (to the hair and went to utilities with a common table), because generally a thin waist has not been canceled: the thinner waist, the longer life, but also to starve yourself is not worth it. Researchers have proved that the reduced nutritional value of the diet (less than 1500 kcal per day) causes a constant shortage of essential vitamins and minerals. And if you reduce the calorie content of up to 1,000 calories a day, then gradually there a chronic lack of protein, fat and carbohydrates, and there could be problems with the hair can not be avoided

What are the ingredients in food to help our hair?

 Why do we have hair, why we lose them, and what to do?
 Approximate chemical composition of the health of hair is as follows: 15% water, 6% of lipids (fats), 1% pigment and 78% protein.

Consequently, it is a protein - the main component of the food that is "responsible" for the condition of the hair.

Optionally, the meat - good providers of protein are fish, soy, nuts, beans and mushrooms. A lot of protein is found in eggs, cottage cheese, milk. Protein in the diet should be approximately 1/5.

On Carbohydrates should account for about 2/3 of the daily diet. It is desirable that it was useful carbohydrates that are found in fresh fruits, vegetables, cereals and brown rice. Sugar and flour products is better to limit, but to give them unrealistic and unnecessary. Why do we need the extra stress! After their consumption often has psychological causes.

Fats - it is also a necessary component of the power, the power source of fatty acids which we have defined a set of needs. Moreover, we need both saturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Imbalance fatty acids results in the loss of hair. Foods rich in essential fatty acids - fatty fish (tuna, salmon, herring), cereals, nuts, olives and avocados - must include in the diet. Fats also serve to transport and absorption of fat-soluble vitamins: fat reduces the possibility of a lack of absorption of vitamins A, D, E and K.

Thus, strict diets intended to limit fats and carbohydrates, significantly impair the quality of the hair. For the condition of the hair is important and fiber, which is found in fruits, vegetables, legumes. From it it depends largely on the correct operation of the gastrointestinal tract and, therefore, it is necessary for the absorption of all the components of food.

It is equally important that the products included in the menu that contains the desired set of trace elements. Pumpkin and sunflower seeds, oysters - the source of zinc;
asparagus, cucumbers, artichokes, strawberries - silicon; zucchini, onions, apricots, cabbage, potatoes, raspberries - sulfur.

The hair loss may be due to iron deficiency to some extent will help to correct the situation adjustment menu. Iron is particularly rich in the liver, nuts, halva, wheat bran, rose hip, egg yolk, soybeans, buckwheat, white mushrooms and chanterelles.

In general, it would seem, more products are good and different - and the hair will grow in the joy and admiration of those around us. But it is not so easy!

It is no secret that today the fruits and vegetables contain far fewer nutrients, including vitamins than before. Thus, another weapon in your fight against hair loss should be special vitamin-mineral complexes for hair and skin . But they are not a panacea.

For example, to stop hair loss caused by iron deficiency, they must first satisfy all the organs, where "stored" this mineral - bone marrow, spleen, liver. And only after that the body "decides" to allocate a portion of iron and hair. But since there is a threshold of absorption of iron from food, simply increasing the amount of food eaten (and dietary supplements) radically situation will not improve. In this case it is necessary to see a specialist who will diagnose and prescribe the necessary drugs.

Not a single food

 Why do we have hair, why we lose them, and what to do?
 If the comb is more than 150 hairs a day we can talk about excessive hair loss and sound the alarm. To begin with, analyze, whether you eat may matter unbalanced diet. The correct diagnosis in this issue - half the battle. If you cope with the problem is not possible, contact the person trihologu who diagnose, prescribe medications, offer physiotherapy, pick up special cosmetics.

High-quality cosmetic products are equipped with highly conductive systems capable of delivering nutrients to the hair roots. But count on the substantial support of shampoo for hair loss is not necessary. Shampoo (any) - vehicle maintenance, its main task - to cleanse the hair and scalp. And even if the shampoo is written "hair loss", it can not replace special sera, oils and lotions, which, unlike shampoos have better penetration and are in contact with the scalp for a long time.

Do not despair, all types of hair loss, except that, in addition to heredity, are treatable. Although, perhaps, in the near future, scientists will be able to "reprogram" the genetic information even now this has all the prerequisites and work is underway in this direction.

And of course, do not forget that a sufficient and balanced diet - an indispensable condition for the beauty of hair.
Author: Olga Travleeva